Pheromone traps should be out by now. Place them on the upwind side of the bog so that the scent flows onto your bogs with the prevailing winds. BHF larvae are still being picked up but they should be pupating soon. Spag is also still out but at a size where you can see them. People are picking up various spanworms (unk for unknown), some spiny loopers, but mostly fairly thick and long brown and green spanworms. Avaunt is a good choice for these caterpillars. Be sure to be sweeping when the weather is favorable and don't delay. You may miss your window to sweep and then miss the window to treat! Cranberry weevil is also out in numbers above thresholds.
We will be holding a clinic on Scale, a new insect problem on many bogs. It will be held here at the Station on Monday, June 16, from 4-6 pm in the library. We will be applying for 1 contact hour, perhaps 2, for the clinic.
Bumble bees will be arriving at the Station on June 19. Contact Marty at x20 for more information.
We have heard good results for poison ivy control using the recommended label rates of Callisto and Poast (0.8 tsp and 2 oz/gal, respectively) + NIS. This is less Callisto and a bit more Poast than what we have used in our demonstration trials. Early treatments (mid-May) seem effective. We are pursuing a 2ee for the use of a product to control moss and will keep you posted on the progress.