We have heard of very high counts of gypsy moth over the past week. If weevil is not in the mix, Delegate is a good choice for the cutworm pests, as is Intrepid. Sevin can also be a good choice if your caterpillars are dominated by gypsy moths. Humped green fruitworm has also be scouted.
Cranberry weevils are active at this point and some areas are definitely over threshold (4.5/25 sweeps). Remember, grey weevils found in the sweeps should not be counted as they are not a cranberry pest. Avaunt is only good against the spring populations. Only 2 applications of Avaunt are allowed in the spring. Do not use after bloom. Actara is effective against spring and summer generations of weevil but is Restricted Use and Zone 2 restricted. It is very toxic to bees and should not be used within 5 days of bee arrival.
Be sure to round up your pheromone traps, stakes and bait to put your traps out by June 1.
Dodder has definitely emerged and if you can use QuinStar, we are approaching the window for early postemergence applications. Late applications of low rates of Casoron can go out now if you know your vines are not sensitive to the herbicide. Otherwise, you can plan to chase dodder with concentrated sprays of Callisto next month.
We will be holding a bogside workshop on June 9, Tuesday from 8-10 AM. 2 contact hours will be offered.