All LW floods should be off your bogs by now (or if on the Cape, by the end of the month). Frost tolerance is 29.5 F once the flood is removed, no matter the appearance of the buds. Sweep for early season insects and CB weevil. Generally, no fertilizer is needed on LW bogs until bloom. Casoron for dodder control should be applied soon after the withdrawal but be sure the bog is dry and the soil has drained. Most varieties are in very late roughneck to jewel.
Cranberry weevil is still being found on many bogs at or over threshold and should be managed. Some very high numbers (>100) have been reported. We have really not been seeing any winter moths to speak of. Let us know if you do. We have been seeing a lot of green spanworm larvae too, but as of yet, nothing over threshold. Surprisingly, we have a report of black-headed fireworm moths flying. This is earlier than typical, but they are out there.
Grass herbicides (Poast, Select, Intensity) can be applied at any time grasses are up and growing. All of these materials work best when applied BEFORE the grass flowers. You will still get some control after flowering but it won’t be as good as applications made before flowering. Intensity is the ONLY grass herbicide that can be chemigated. Be sure to get a copy of the SLN (or 24c) label from our web site or local ag suppliers for complete direction and to make a legal application. The SLN has been amended to allow applications throughout hook and fruit set, but again, this is only for Intensity/One. Exercise caution when applying during roughneck. This is the stage at which we have seen petals fusing together.
The Kerb Section 18 is only valid until June 30. If you have used it, I would love to hear how you think it is working and what you have done (I am at ext 21). We had a very informative bogside workshop on May 29. Discussion included use of growing degree days for frost and pests, emerging problematic weeds such as tearthumb and leatherleaf, using Manzate for fruit rot control and comparisons of modes of fertilizer application. Our next bogside will be the last Wednesday of June, the 26th, from 10-12.
If you are using pheromone traps to monitor for Spag, girdler and/or black-headed fireworm, your traps should be out. Use 1 trap/10 acres and place them on the windward side of the bog. Check your traps weekly, recording the number of moths captured. Be sure you are counting the right moths as sometimes nontarget species can be caught.