Newsletter Sign-up
The Cranberry Station Newsletter, which is published 6-8 times a year, is geared towards providing information for active cranberry growers and affiliates. Newsletters contain information on relevant research, IPM techniques, pest profiles, meeting announcements, etc. Please note that you must sign up to receive our newsletter each year.
Hard Copy Option:
It is provided FREE to all MA growers, cranberry researchers, and IPM consultants nationwide. A subscription fee of $15 (for a single year subscription) is required for out-of-state growers and industry personnel.
Print and fill out the Cranberry Station Newsletter Sign-up Form and mail it to us at:
1 State Bog Road
East Wareham, MA 02538
Electronic Option:
Sign-up now online! You can opt to receive your copy of the Cranberry Station newsletter FASTER and FREE-OF-CHARGE if you choose this electronic method of delivery. You will be placed on our email list and receive a PDF version of our newsletter as soon as it is available.