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Fruit Program News

  • GLEXPO Posters

    December 12, 2020
    At the 2020 Great Lakes Expo, held virtually December 9-11, 2020, Jon Clements submitted four posters during the virtual poster session...
  • 2021 Mass Aggie Fruits

    Mass Aggie Seminars Back for 2021!

    December 4, 2020
    UMass Extension Fruit Team Mass Aggies are Back, LIVE and online! Click here to see what your friendly local fruit specialists have cooked up for your 2021 growing season.

    Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2

    September 29, 2020
    Are you a farmer or rancher whose operation has been directly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic? USDA is implementing Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 for agricultural producers who continue to face market disruptions and associated costs because of COVID-19.
  • SLF, Invasive insect

    Spotted Lanternfly Update

    September 23, 2020

    Connecticut has established Spotted Lanternfly populations in both West Haven and Greenwich. Both locations are close to Long Island NY, which announced its own established SLF population on August 14, 2020.

    Good news: MA does not, as of September 23, 2020,  have a known established population of SLF.

    Bad news: both CT populations are located at or near main highway routes that lead directly to MA. 

    What you can do: Remain vigilant! If you spot SLF please report it with as clear a picture(s) as you can manage. Report findings using the fact sheet found at this link: Spotted Lanternfly Fact Sheet and Reporting

  • Cider Apple: Major

    2020 Cider Apple Maturity and Observations

    September 8, 2020

    Cider apple maturity video updates, September 8, 2020. Cider Chick YouTube Channel

  • UMass IPM Fruit Loop

    New UMass IPM Fruit Loop Podcast; Episode 20

    September 3, 2020

    New UMass IPM Fruit Loop Podcast, Episode Number 20 is up and ready for a listen! UMass IPM Fruit Loop

  • MAIA-SM on 08/31/20

    2020 apple maturity report updated

    September 1, 2020

    Apple maturity report updated, 31-August, 2020. McIntosh, Gala, Honeycrisp, Ginger Gold, Silken, Akane, MAIA-SM.

  • MAIA-SM on 082420

    2020 apple maturity report updated

    August 25, 2020

    2020 apple maturity report updated, August 25, 2020. Zestar!, Sansa, Ginger Gold, Premier Honeycrisp, Paulared, Akane, and MAIA-SM.

  • Tree fruit

    2020 Fruit Crops Highlighted in the Greenfield Recorder

    August 19, 2020

    The Greenfield Recorder's Andy Castillo shares fruit grower's insights into the 2020 season.

    A Fruitful Season

  • Ginger gold, maturity reports

    Apple Harvest Maturity Report- Open Office Hour

    August 18, 2020

    Join Extension Educator Jon Clements every Tuesday at noon for his apple maturity open office hour. Jon will discuss apple maturity updates, PYO logistics and hold an open discussion. The open office hour can be joined via Zoom: Apple Maturity Zoom

    Meeting ID: 756 282 3263

    One tap mobile +16468769923,,7562823263# US (New York)
