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IPM Message for Cranberry Growers: July 27, 2018

July 27, 2018

We are having reports of continued troubles with scale on the bogs.  Reports of several more sites with burnt areas have turned up.  It seems we may have a new scale species that appears to have released crawlers mid-July resulting in scale on berries and leaves.

Be aware as you do your cranberry fruitworm egg checks for little specks on the berries that may indicate that a scale population is building. Please see photos included with this message.
Cranberry fruitworm pressure appears to be low.  If you are going to spray for Sparganothis fruitworm, it is still good timing for your Intrepid, Invertid or Delegate.
Weevil numbers have crashed, do not apply Actara unless you actually sweep significant weevil numbers (>10 average per sweep set).
Most handlers restrict Bravo use after 7/25 and Sevin after 7/31.  Clethodim products (Intensity/Select) can be applied after fruit set; 30-day PHI.  Read the label as different products require a NIS or a Crop Oil.  Be sure you are adding the correct adjuvant with the right product.

scale on cranberry bogs
scale on cranberry bogs
scale on cranberry bogs