We have finally gotten a break in the weather this week. Cool temperatures on a few nights are helping some color to develop. Looks like the weather may get hot again next week, so continue to be vigilant on monitoring for soil moisture.
Crawlers and eggs are being found on scale sites. Please let Marty know (x20) if you are having issues. Spag flight has begun but it is too late to spray.
Remember that fungicide applications at this time of the year will have a very small impact on field rot infection and upright dieback.
Scalding can occur with air temperatures above 80 F, dewpoints of 55 F or less during mid day and afternoon hours, clear or scattered sky conditions during the day, low soil moisture, wind speed averages greater than 11 mph and no rainfall in the last 48 hr. Keep in mind that the risk of sunscald and heat injury varies from site to site and may depend on specific bed conditions. In addition to weather, irrigation practices, fruit size, and vine density can influence the risk of scalding. Scald damage can be mitigated by using overhead sprinkler irrigation to cool the fruit. Be sure to irrigate in a way that puddles do not form.