Bloom really seems to be hanging on quite a bit. On July 16, our Stevens were on average about 10% IN bloom on one section and about 5% IN bloom on another. Ben Lears were under 5% in bloom, while Mullica Queens were about 15% IN bloom and the Crimson Queen were still holding about 20% in flowers and pods. Our Howes ranged from 15-34% flowers and pods (IN bloom). Fungicide sprays should be wrapping up.
Now is a good time to be putting out grass herbicides for control of poverty grass. It is a warm season grass and is starting to put on some growth now. ALWAYS be careful when applying herbicides (or other pesticides) in extreme heat. Avoid using crop oil during these conditions if possible; NIS is preferred.
Exercise caution when applying Bravo; try to avoid applications right before a burst of hot weather. Altacor for fruitworm is a good choice and you should allow at least 7 days between applications. Second fruitworm sprays are likely going out now. It does have a good residual but don’t take chances and possibly missed your application window. Do not exceed 9 oz/A per season. Growers are starting to pull bees and apply Actara for 20+ counts of cranberry weevil. Timing for Sparganothis is in the next few weeks with use of Intrepid or Delegate.
Be sure to double check your handler restrictions on pesticide use as we progress through the summer. Most handlers restrict Bravo use after July 25. Also, keep in mind PHIs: Poast and QuinStar have 60 day PHIs. Chlorothalonil products have 50-day PHIs.
Due to my travel schedule, the IPM message will likely be off its usual Friday update, but I will try my best to get some information out to you as per the weekly update. Thank you for your understanding in this regard.