Useful Links
Links to other websites for growers of greenhouse crops and ornamentals.
Horticulture, Grower and Other Organizations of Interest for Greenhouse Production
- University of Massachusetts Extension
- Massachusetts Flower Growers' Association
- Massachusetts Association of Roadside Stands and Pick Your Own Farms
- Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA)
- Massachusetts Horticultural Society Trial Garden
- National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT)
- Northeast Greenhouse Conference
- Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers
- Northeast Organic Farming Association
- America in Bloom
- Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation
- The Association of Natural Biological Control Producers
Trade Magazines and Newsletters
- E-Gro (collaboration of several Universities to provide research based information on greenhouse crops)
- Grower Talks Magazine
- Greenhouse Management Magazine
- Horticulture Engineering Rutgers University
- Commercial Ornamental Horticulture University of Maryland
- Michigan State University Greenhouse Floriculture News
Floriculture InfoSearch Search engine for floriculture information from the scientific literature, trade and association magazines/websites, NC State University, and the American Floral Endowment Floriculture Archive (repository of literature dating back to the 1800s).
Greenhouse Finance
Crop Production Tools
- Smart phone apps (and web-based tools) for production
- Conversion Tables & Formulas
- Fertilizer Injectors: Selection, Maintenance and Calibration University of Georgia Cooperative Extension
- University of New Hampshire Greenhouse Production Calculators: Calculation tools for fertilizer, plant growth regulators and energy
Greenhouse Crop Production
- Good Agricultural Practices Manual (GAP) Food safety manual - A must-read if you grow food crops
- Cornell Greenhouse Horticulture
- North Carolina State’s Commercial Floriculture Page Commercial floriculture leaflets: Aster, Bedding Plants, Ethylene, Flowering Cabbage & Kale, Geraniums, Herbs, Hydrangea, New Guinea Impatiens, Ornamental Vegetables, Pansy,Poinsettias, Potted Sunflowers, Height Management, Plant Nutrition and Pour Through Extraction Method, Water Quality, Greenhouse Weed Management
- ATTRA's on-line publications Sustainable Ag Publications: Herbs, Pest Mgt., Greenhouse Vegetables, Greenhouse Herbs, Plug and Transplants, Solar Greenhouses, Compost Heated Greenhouses
- Organic Greenhouse Vegetable Production (ATTRA)
- Greenhouse Raspberry Production Guidelines, UMass Extension Small Fruit Program
- Specialty Cut Flowers (Book by Armitage and Laushman with production and yield information)
- University of Vermont Perennials
Pest Management
- New England Greenhouse Update UMass Extension and UConn Extension
- Diagnostic Resources, National Plant Diagnostic Network
- Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland
- Greenhouse IPM - Biocontrol based IPM (Flowers Canada Growers, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs,the Vineland Research and Innovation Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Pest Management Center)
- Videos for Pest Identification, National Plant Diagnostic Network (Advanced)
- Cornell's Biocontrol site
- IPM Practitioner -Bio-Integral Resource Center (BIRC), non profit organization
- IPM Practitioner 2015 Directory of Least Toxic Pest Control Products
- Integrated Pest Management in the Northeast Region
- University of Connecticut's IPM site
- University of Maryland’s Pest Alerts
- University of Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire (Tri-State) Greenhouse IPM
- Iowa State’s Index of Internet Entomology Resources
- American Phytopathological Society
- Penn State's Disease Factsheets for Ornamental Plants, by disease, then by crop
- Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) Non-profit organization that specializes in the review of substances for use in organic production, processing, and handling.
- Massachusetts Pesticide Bureau Pesticide licensing, laws, regulations.
- EPA Worker Protection Standards Manual How to comply manual.
Sources for Disease Test Kits, Pesticide Information, Biologicals
- Agdia Test Kits Disease test kits
- Chemical & Pharmaceutical Press, Inc.'s Greenbook Pesticide labels
- Crop Data Management Systems, Inc. Pesticide labels
- EXTOXNET – The EXtension TOXicology NETwork Pesticides: Toxicology, Technical Information from UC Davis, Oregon State Univ., Michigan State, Cornell Univ., Univ. of Idaho
- Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Pesticide Programs
- Biobest Biological Control
- Koppert Biological Control
- Green Methods Biological Control
- IPM Laboratories, Inc. Biological Control
Sources of MA Plant Material
- Massachusetts Flower Growers' Association See Membership Directory
Government Agencies / Agricultural Laws/ University Resources
- UMass Center of Agriculture, Food and the Environment
- UMass Stockbridge School
- General Laws of Massachusetts, Chapter 61A
- General Laws of Massachusetts, Definition of Agriculture
- Massachusetts Dept. of Agricultural Resources
- Massachusetts Agriculture in the Classroom
- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
- New England Agricultural Statistics Service
- U.S.D.A.'s National Agricultural Statistics Service
- Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Pesticide Programs
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- EPA Worker Protection Standards
- Introduced Pests Outreach Project Dept. of Entomology
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (Plant Patents)
Career Net
The Stockbridge School Career Net web site
Recycling and Renewable Energy
- Recycling Works Massachusetts (a free recycling assistance program for businesses). Funded by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and delivered by the Center for EcoTechnology (CET).
- Energy resources and fact sheets