Potato is a cool season crop that produces best yields when temperatures average slightly below 70°F during the growing season. Potatoes will grow well on a wide range of soils and are especially well suited for New England. The best soil for potatoes is a well-drained, reasonably deep loam. Potatoes produced on light, sandy, loam soils generally have a more desirable shape and a brighter skin color than those grown on heavier clay-type soils. Poorly-drained soils favor disease development and may result in reduced plant stands, low yields and poor quality.
For Current information on production methods (including varieties, spacing, seeding, and fertility), weed, disease, and insect management, please visit the New England Vegetable Management Guide website(link is external)
Major disease problems in this crop:
- Potato, Scab
- Pythium Fruit Rot
- Solanaceous, Anthracnose
- Solanaceous, Early Blight
- Solanaceous, Late Blight
- Solanaceous, Septoria Leaf Spot
- Solanaceous, Tobacco Mosaic Virus
- Solanaceous, Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus
- Solanaceous, Verticillium Wilt
- White Mold
Major insect pests that affect this crop:
- Aphid, Green Peach
- Aphid, Melon
- Aphid, Potato
- Colorado Potato Beetle
- Cutworm, Black
- Cutworm, Variegated
- European Corn Borer
- Flea Beetle, Solanaceous
- Leafhopper, Potato
- Wireworm
Potato Scouting Form
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