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February 2023

Weather as Recorded at the UMass Cranberry Station:

East Wareham

Prepared by Peter Jeranyama

February had an above average temperature, below average precipitation and well below average snowfall.  The temperatures averaged 33.5 degrees, 2.5 degrees above the long-term average.  The maximum temperature was 66 degrees on the 11th and a minimum temperature of 9 degrees below zero was recorded on the 4th and 5th and this is the second coldest in 42 years.  Daytime high temperatures averaged 43.6 degrees, 4.3 degrees above the long-term average for the month. Evening temperatures averaged 23.4 degrees, 0.1 degree above the long-term average.

Sunshine averaged 46% of the possible sunshine hours, 4 points below average.  5 days had 90% or better sunshine while 5 days had no sunshine.  The sunshine hours are recorded at the Blue Hill Observatory in Milton, MA.  Precipitation totaled 0.79 inches 2.84 inches less than the long-term average.  We had measurable precipitation on 10 days. The largest 24-hour rainfall was 0.2 inches on the 18th.  February had 2 inches of snowfall, 3 inches less than February 2022, and 17 inches less than February 2021. Year-to-date snowfall recorded in East Wareham is now 6 inches compared to 33.5 inches in 2022.  Snowfall records go back to 1952 in East Wareham. 

Official Winter Season

The official winter in East Wareham (Dec. 2022- Feb. 2023) was warmer than normal (4 degrees warmer), wetter (by 3.6 inches), and well below average snowfall (less by 21.4 inches).  Sunshine (at Blue Hills) for the winter was 120 hours, 13.7 points below the norm.  The season's minimum temperature was -9 degrees on Feb 4th and 5th and the maximum was 66 degrees on February 11th.  Sunshine hours for Dec-Feb were below the average. Precipitation totaled 15.8 inches; 3.6 inches above average.  Snowfall totaled 6 inches; 21.4 inches below normal. January was the warmest of the three winter months and December had no snowfalls while January being the snowiest and the highest rainfall for the winter season.