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Sustainable Cranberry Production

Principal Investigator/Project Leader: 
Sponsoring Unit(s): 
Project Description: 

The cranberry industry in Massachusetts faces many challenges. In the past ten years, growers have gone from receiving record high prices for their fruit to record low prices. Although the industry has rebounded, the focus to remain economically competitive and environmentally sustainable has sharpened. It is anticipated that the industry may lose some acreage due to attrition and that smaller growers may sell their land. As with all farmers, energy costs are rising quickly, impacting the bottom line. Growers must develop and adopt innovative technology to remain competitive. The additional pressure of marketing fruit for export (foreign) markets that mandate restrictive thresholds for pesticide residues present yet another challenge. They must understand the biology of cranberry pests to properly utilize new management tactics. Additionally, they must contend with increasing urban pressure on the farm's margin as many parties compete for resources. The goal of the UMass Extension Sustainable Cranberry Project is to provide cranberry growers with pertinent and timely information so they may sustain their operations in Southeastern Massachusetts.