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Conversion Tables and Compatibility Notes

Common and Useful Conversion Factors

Table 59. Conversion factors to convert from one unit to another.
lb/A lb/100 sq ft 0.0023
tn/A lb/100sq ft 4.6
lb/A kg/ha 1.12
kg/ha lb/A 0.893
lb oz 16
qt of fruit lb of fruit 1.5
qt pt 2.0
pt qt 0.5
pt cup 2.0
gal of liquid lb of liquid 8.3
lb/A lb/100 ft of row 0.008
yield in lb/100 ft of row lb/A 125
yield in qt/100 ft of row b/A 188
lb/A lb/100 ft of row .0184
lb/A oz/plant 0.009
yield in lb/100 ft of row lb/A 55
yield in pt/100 of row lb/A 73
lb/A oz/plant 0.015
yield in lb/100 ft of row lb/A 44
yield in qt/100 ft of row lb/A 58
lb/A oz/plant 0.012
lb/A lb/100 ft. of row 0.0184
Yield in lb/100 ft of row lb/A 55
Yield in pt/10 ft of row lb/A 73


Table 60. Approximate dilutions for small volumes of spray mixes.
Formulation 100 gallonsa 5 gallons 3 gallons 1 gallon
Wettable Powder 5 lbs 4 oz.  (113 g) 2.4 oz. (68 g) 0.8 oz. (23 g)
  4 lbs 3.2 oz. (90 g) 1.9 oz. (54 g) 0.6 oz. (20 g)
  3 lbs 2.4 oz. (68 g) 1.4 oz. (41 g) 0.5 oz. (14 g)
  2 lbs 1.6 oz. (45 g) 1.0 oz. (27 g) 0.3 oz. (10 g)
  1 lbs 0.8 oz. (23 g) 0.5 oz. (14 g) 0.2 oz. (5 g)
  0.5 lb 0.4 oz. (11 g) 0.25 oz (7 g) 0.1 oz. (2 g)
Emulsifiable Concentrate 5 gallons 1 quart 1.25 pint 13 tablespoons
  4 gallons 1.5 pint 1 pint 10 tablespoons
  3 gallons 1.25 pint 0.75 pint (1.5 cup) 8 tablespoons (0.5 cup)
  2 gallons 0.75 pint (1.5 cup) 0.5 pint (1 cup) 5 tablespoons
  1 gallon 0.5 pint (1 cup) 8 tablespoons (0.5 cup) 3 tablespoons
  1 quart 3 tablespoons 2 tablespoons 2 teaspoons
  1 pint

5 teaspoons


1 tablespoon 1 teaspoon

If label specifies 5 pounds of a WP per 100 gallons of spray solution, read across the chart to determine amount required smaller spray volumes.

Use of Tablespoons/Volume Measurements for Dry Materials

The number of tablespoons per ounce or gram, or cups per pound, of dry materials varies greatly from product to product. Some materials are light and fluffy, others compact and heavy. In general, there are 2-6 level tablespoons per ounce of these dry materials. When measuring a material that you will use again, it can be helpful to weigh out the amount needed and place it in a convenient container that can be easily marked. 

Spray Mixture Compatibility Notes

This information is offered only as a general guide, and does not apply to pesticidal efficacy of mixtures. Read the label for specific crops or situations. Compatibilities indicated may be changed by certain adjuvants, different formulations, combinations of more than 2 materials, and environmental factors such as temperature and humidity.

  • When potential compatibility is indicated, minimum agitation should be provided in all cases.
  • Designations apply to at least one formulation of specified products. In cases where compatibility differs among formulations, the most conservative designation has been given. Defer to respective labels in all cases.
  • Unless otherwise noted on the label, use soon after mixing, preferably in systems with continuous agitation.
  • Physical compatibility: Although there may be no chemical incompatibility between the active ingredients of 2 given pesticides, some formulations of these products may not be physically compatible. This is particularly true whenmixing at high concentrations and when mixing wettable powders with emulsifiable concentrates. It is recommended that a small batch of a proposed mixture be prepared before making tank combinations, to check for unacceptable physical reactions.

Suggested Mixing Sequence

When mixing spray materials, always mix in the following order, starting with:

  1. water soluble bags (WS)
  2. water dispersible granules and dry flowables (WDG, DF)
  3. wettable powders (WP)
  4. liquid flowables (L, F, FC)
  5. sprayable concentrates (S, SC, LC)
  6. emulsifiable concentrates (EC)
  7. surfactants, oils, and adjuvants

Do not add oils, surfactants, or emulsifiable concentrates prior to dry formulations, or lumping may occur.