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Nutrition Bites 2020 Vol. 18:0

In This Issue: 

Staying Safe – Cook Safely with Your Children

Recipes and Nutrition Tips – Celebrate Fall with Creamy Broccoli Soup

Physical Activity Tips – Walking for Fitness

Food Access Resources in Massachusetts– Resources for Immigrants


Staying Safe

father and child washing produce at kitchen sink Cook safely with your children.

The best way to help children build lifelong skills and healthy habits is to involve them in the kitchen. Children are more likely to try foods they helped choose and prepare than those simply served to them. Teaching food safety will make sure that they are ready to help in the kitchen. Here are some helpful tips.

  • Wash hands thoroughly with warm, soapy water before and after handling food.
  • Pull back long hair, off the shoulders.
  • Keep countertops and working surfaces clean.
  • Wash all fruits and vegetables, even ones that will be peeled, with cool running water.
  • Teach children to wait until food is cooked before tasting it.
  • Avoid double dipping or putting spoons back into food after using them for taste testing.
  • Safely let children reach the counter or table by using a chair or step stool.
  • Remember, that young cooks need supervision. 

Recipes and Nutrition Tips

bowl of broccoli soup Celebrate fall with a creamy broccoli soup.

This recipe combines cheese and broccoli for a comfort dish that is packed with nutrients like calcium and vitamins A and C. Serve the soup for dinner, for lunch, or as a side dish. Involve your family in the preparation, and be sure to remind everyone of the importance of washing their hands before preparing a meal.  


Share this handwashing video with your family to learn the importance of handwashing throughout the day.


Physical Activity Tips

3 women brisk walking Walking is a simple way to work out.

Walking can be done almost anywhere and is beneficial for health. Start out slowly and gradually increase the pace and amount of time walked. Add a twist to your walking routine:

  • Walk with a friend.
  • Try a new location, such as a different path in your neighborhood, a park, or a nature trail in the woods.
  • Add a challenge, such as using wrist or ankle weights.  
  • Walk in place during chores or commercials breaks. Whichever program you chose, make it enjoyable so that you can keep it going




planting seeds Save seeds from the plants in your garden.

Saving seeds from the plants in your garden will save you money. For best results, start by selecting the best fruit or vegetable from the healthiest plants and follow these steps to saving seeds.

  1. Cut the fruit or vegetable in half and scrape the seeds gently from the core.
  2. Wash the seeds in a strainer under cool running water.
  3. Spread them out to dry for a few days on a paper towel.
  4. Place the seeds in an envelope and store in a dark, dry place until next year’s growing season. Label the envelope with the name of seeds you’re saving. For more info, visit


Food Access Resources in Massachusetts

check out at grocery store Access MA211, a feeding assistance tool kit, and resources for immigrants.

Mass211 is a telephone number that connects callers to information about health and human services in Massachusetts. Many people face challenges, but do not know where to find help. The solution is to dial 2-1-1. For more information about this resource, visit


The Food Industry Association offers a tool kit on feeding assistance to help address the needs of today’s grocery shoppers. The tool kit hosts several resources, including mealtime solutions, ideas for ingredient substitutions, information on food banks, and instructions on how to navigate feeding assistance programs.


If you are looking for resources for immigrants during the coronavirus crisis, visit This website is dedicated to increasing access to resources and knowledge for the immigrants across the United States.


Nutrition Bites Issue 18

Nutrition Bites Issue 18 - Spanish