Policy, Systems and Environmental change (PSE) Program

PSE Office:
UMass Extension
SNAP-ED Multi-level Specialist
UMass Amherst at Mount Ida
100 Carlson Ave
Miller Building #22
Newton , MA 02459
Kathy Cunningham, MEd, RD, LDN
The UMass Extension SNAP-Ed Policy, Systems, and Environmental change (PSE) staff work remotely and support all Nutrition Education Program (NEP) staff. The two UMass Extension SNAP-Ed Multi-Level Specialists work in conjunction with the UMass Extension Nutrition Education Program and Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) to implement PSE changes that support nutrition and physical activity in SNAP-Ed settings.
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 requires SNAP-Ed PSE changes to be coordinated with direct nutrition education and social marketing to enable, promote, and support healthy behaviors among SNAP-Ed eligible Americans and their communities.
To support these statewide SNAP-Ed PSE interventions, the Multi-level Specialists:
- Coordinate and promote SNAP-Ed activities with multiple complementary organizational and institutional programs supporting PSE changes.
- Connect SNAP-Ed to community and public health approaches to improve nutrition and physical activity, which create environmental changes to make the healthy choice the easy choice.
- Support the evaluation and implementation of the SNAP-Ed Framework using the Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity Prevention Indicators as required by USDA funding.