
Links to other organizations and sites that provide current and accurate nutrition information and resources:
UMass Extesnion Nutrition Education Program Information:
National Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) (sponsored by USDA).
Assists limited-resource audiences in acquiring the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and changed behavior necessary for nutritionally sound diets, and to contribute to their personal development and the improvement of the total family diet and nutritional well-being.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (sponsored by the Federal Food Stamp Program). The focus is on nutrition and putting healthy food within reach for low income households. Through nutrition education partners, SNAP helps clients learn to make healthy eating and choose active lifestyles within a limited budget.
General Nutrition Information:
Food and Nutrition Information Center (sponsored by USDA National Agricultural Library)
Provides links to nutrition topics.
Fruits and Veggies More Matters (sponsored by Produce for Better Health Foundation)
Provides information about the benefits of fruits and vegetables. Also includes tips on how to incorporate them into daily diet.
MyPlate (sponsored by USDA)
Information on MyPlate, the new food guide.
Nutrition Information (sponsored by USDA National Agriculutural Library)
Includes resources for nutrition education, nutrition facts, and nutrition in the life cycle.
Food Safety:
Be Food Safe™ website
CDC Food Safety Homepage
Food Safety Consumer website
Home to federal food safety information.
FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN Consumer Information)
FDA Food Code
Home Food Preservation
Learn how to can, freeze, dry, cure, smoke, ferment, pickle, make jam and jelly, and store food safely. National Center for Home food preservation
To learn more about testing your pressure canner dial gauge, go to:
Massachusetts Partnership for Food Safety Education (MPFSE)
Partnership for Food Safety Education (PFSE)
Pathogenic Bacteria (The “Bad Bug Book”)
Disease Prevention/Health:
American Cancer Society (sponsored by American Cancer Society)
Contains information about the relationship between food and cancer, and provides nutrition tips. Also provides up to date research findings on the topic.
American Diabetes Association (sponsored by American Diabetes Association)
Contains information about the relationship between nutrition and diabetes, and provides tips and specific diet recommendations for diabetes patients. Also provides up to date research findings on the topic.
American Heart Association (sponsored by American Heart Association)
Provides information on the link between nutrition and cardiovascular disease, and gives tips and guidelines for a healthy diet. Also provides up to date research findings on the topic.
National Cancer Institute (sponsored by National Institute for Health)
Contains information about the relationship between food and cancer, and provides nutrition tips.
Also provides up to date research findings on the topic.
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (sponsored by Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
Includes a variety of nutrition, physical activity, and public health resources.
Food Allergies:
Food Allergy Research & Education
Provides comprehensive information on food allergies
Nutrition Information For Schools:
Action for Healthy Kids
Focuses on changing the school environment to reduce obesity and hunger and to increase physical activity among youth. Action for Healthy Kids consists of 70 leading national organizations, associations and government agencies representing education, nutrition, fitness, and health.
The School Nutrition Association
National, nonprofit professional organization representing more than 56,000 members who provide high-quality, low-cost meals to students across the country.
Fuel Up To Play 60 (sponsored by National Dairy Council and National Football League)
Homepage for Fuel Up to Play 60, a program that empowers students to take charge in making small, everyday changes at school.
John Stalker Institute of Food and Nutrition (sponsored by Massachusetts Department of Education located at Framingham State University)
Geared towards Massachusetts schools. Provides a variety of nutrition resources for professionals.
National Food Service Management Institute (sponsored by University of Mississippi)
Resource for school nutrition professionals and anyone connected with the Child Nutrition Programs: school lunch, school breakfast, summer feeding, and Child and Adult Care.
New England Dairy Council (sponsored by New England Dairy Council)
Includes nutrition education resources for families, schools, and professionals.
Team Nutrition (sponsored by Food and Nutrition Service)
Offers online nutrition education for teachers and information for families.