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UMass Extension Periodical Cicada Conference: Brood XIV is Coming to the Bay State!

Event date/time: 
Wednesday, February 5, 2025 - 9:30am to 1:30pm
Event Type: 

Periodical cicada adult


9:30 AM - Welcome & Introductions

9:45 AM - Here Come the Periodical Cicadas - What Does This Mean?
Alireza Shokoohi, UMass Extension Entomologist, IPM Specialist
This presentation will explore the captivating world of periodical cicadas, focusing on their life cycle, ecological impact, and cultural significance. What are these magical insects? Why are we so fascinated by them? Where can we expect to see/sites/ them in MA? Information about broods found in New England and implications for local ecosystems and human activity will be covered. 

10:45 AM - Break

11:00 AM - I Work/Live in a Cicada Zone - What Should I Do in 2025?
Dr. Olga Kostromytska, Extension Assistant Professor and Turf Entomologist, UMass Stockbridge School of Agriculture
This presentation will discuss what you might expect from periodical cicadas in managed landscapes in certain parts of Massachusetts in 2025. Where will they be found? What will they be doing? Do I need to protect my trees and shrubs? If so, how? What will the cicada emergence sound like and why? Time permitting, the impact of climate change on periodical cicadas may be discussed.

12:00 PM - Break

12:15 PM - 1:15 PM - Do Periodical Cicadas Damage Native Trees? Here’s What the Research Reports
Dr. Zoe Getman-Pickering, ELEVATE Program Coordinator, CEET REU Director, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 
Researchers have looked at the effect of periodical cicada ovipositioning (egg laying) on 16 species of native trees. This presentation will show how the associated flagging does not hurt the trees long term. What does this mean for tree size and health? Will netting or pesticide use be needed in 2025 when Brood XIV emerges in Massachusetts? Furthermore, how do cicada emergences affect typical tree pests? Dr. Getman-Pickering discusses these topics and more from her research.

1:30 PM - Closing

Please report periodical cicada emergence observations in Massachusetts in 2025.


Pesticide credit: (1) contact hour available for MA categories 29, 35, 36, and Applicator’s License. This credit is valid for all New England states for equivalent categories.
Association credits: 1 MCA, 1 MCLP, 1 MCH, 3 ISA, 3 SAF (cat 1), and 3 CFE (cat 1) credits available.


Registration Deadline: 
Wednesday, February 5, 2025 - 9:00am
Contact's name: 
Ellen Weeks
Contact's email: 
Contact's phone on day of event: 
This event will be recorded: 