Produce Spotlight on Bok Choy
Bok choy, also called pak choi or Chinese white cabbage, is a popular vegetable with Asian cuisine. This mild, sweet-tasting cabbage is full of many important nutrients, including vitamins A, B6 (folate), C, and K. Bok choy provides minerals such as calcium, iron, and potassium.
Shopping for Bok Choy
Choose bunches with firm stalks and crisp leaves. Avoid ones with wilted or yellowing leaves or brown spotted stalks. Massachusetts-grown bok choy is available from June through October.
Common Types
Baby Bok Choy – Any variety picked at an early stage.
White Stem/Canton – Most common variety, with white stalks and tender dark green leaves.
Green Stem/Shanghai – Green stalks with tender light green leaves.
Storage and Preparation
- Store leafy greens unwashed in the refrigerator. Wrap in a damp paper towel and put in a plastic bag with holes for air circulation.
- Wash greens thoroughly before eating. When preparing baby bok choy, wash thoroughly, removing dirt between layers. Separate and pat dry.
- When preparing medium and large bok choy, cut off the thick base of the leaves. Wash thoroughly with cold water, removing dirt between layers of the bunch. Cut both the stems and leaves into thin slices.
- Cook the stems a few minutes longer than the leaves.
Serving Ideas
- Steam, stir-fry, grill, or add to soups and stews.
- To grill, cut baby bok choy in half. Lightly oil and season. Grill, turning once, until leaves have crispy edges.
- Sauté with olive oil and garlic.
- Combine with colorful vegetables like carrots and bell peppers.
Bok Choy Math
Serving size is one cup. One cup of bok choy is about two cupped handfuls.
Using Locally Grown Produce
For recipes featuring fruits and vegetables, visit our website https://extension.umass.edu/nutrition/recipes/. To locate places to buy local produce, visit https://www.mass.gov/orgs/massachusetts-grownand-fresher.
Nutrition Facts
Serving size: One cup; Calories: 9; Carbohydrates: 1.5 g; Fiber: 1 g; Fat: 0 g; Saturated fat: 0 g; Sodium: 46 mg