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Lab Services

Soil - The Routine Soil Analysis is not intended for greenhouse planting mixes or organic soils containing more than 20% organic matter. 

Routine Soil Analysis ...............................................................................$ 20.00 per sample

Analysis includes pH, exchangeable acidity, Modified Morgan extractable nutrients (P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B,  S), lead (Pb), and aluminum (Al), cation exchange capacity, and base saturation, as well as crop-specific lime and nutrient recommendations.  The Modified Morgan extraction method and recommendations were developed for New England soils and climate.

Optional Additional Soil Analysis: For additional information, click here

Soil Organic Matter .........................................................................$  6.00 per sample

Determination of soil organic matter by loss on ignition on samples submitted for routine soil analysis.

Soluble Salts....................................................................................$  6.00 per sample

Includes a measure of the electrical conductivity of a 1:2 (soil:water) extract on samples submitted for routine soil analysis.

Soil Nitrate ......................................................................................$  8.00 per sample

Includes a measure of the soil nitrate using an ion-specific electrode on samples submitted for routine soil analysis.

Comprehensive Particle Size Analysis..................................................... $ 85.00 per sample

A determination of USDA textural classification by combined hydrometer analysis of silt and clay, and dry sieving of sand. Results list percentages of sand, silt and clay, as well as sub-fractions of silt and clay.  U.S. Standard Sieves used: No. 10, 18, 35, 60, 140, and 270.  This analysis is intended for mineral soils (not compost, or mulch).

Optional Testing:
Grain Size Distribution Curve ........................................................$ 10.00 per sample

Graphical representation of grain size distribution (Graph may be added on to Comprehensive Particle Size Analysis only.)

Extra Sieves....................................................................................$ 10.00 per sample

Up to 4 sieves may be added to the Comprehensive Particle Size Analysis.  Available sieves are U.S. Standard Sieves 1", 3/4", 1/2", 3/8", #4, #40, #50, #100, and #200.  Contact the lab when requesting additional sieves.

Report based on Percent of Sample Passing the 2mm Sieve..........No charge

Basic Particle Size Analysis.......................................................................$ 50.00 per sample

A determination of USDA textural classification by hydrometer method.  Results list percentages of sand, silt, and clay only, as well as MA Title 5 Textural Class.  This test is intended for mineral soils with less than 20% organic matter.

Title 5 Sand Determination.......................................................................$ 60.00 per sample

A determination of MA Title 5 Sand for new septic construction using U.S. Standard Sieves No. 4, 50, 100, and 200.

       Optional Testing may be added on to Comprehensive Particle Size Analysis only.

Prepaid Soil Test Kits

Prepaid Soil Test Kits are sold in bundles of 50 at a 10% discount.  To order, please send a completed order form and check or money order made out to the University of Massachusetts.  Numbered order forms with corresponding zip-lock bags and return envelopes will be sent via the US Postal Service.  Order forms for Prepaid Kits may be found on the Ordering Information page.

Pre-sidedress Soil Nitrate Test

PSNT ......................................................................................................$  15.00 per sample

Commonly performed at the pre-sidedress growth stage for field corn and select vegetable crops. See submission form for specific sampling procedures.


Total Sorbed Metals Test............................................................................$ 55.00 per sample

This test determines the total sorbed levels of lead, nickel, cadmium, chromium, zinc, and copper in soils or compost using the Alternate EPA 3050B and 6010 methods.  The Total Sorbed Metals Test is intended for soil and other planting media.This method may not be appropriate for woody material such as bark mulches.  It is not intended for food.

Optional Additional Metals Analysis

Arsenic..................................................................................................$  5.00 per sample

Selenium...............................................................................................$  5.00 per sample (Currently unavailable)

Molybdenum.........................................................................................$  5.00 per sample

Soilless Greenhouse Media

Saturated Media Extract (SME) Test .........................................................$ 30.00 per sample

Provides pH of water saturated media, electrical conductivity and nutrient content (Nitrate-N, Ammonium-N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, B, Mn, Cu, and Fe)

Optional Additional Greenhouse Media Analysis

Percent Organic Matter (determined by loss on ignition)...............$  6.00 per sample

Additional Elements, Sulfur and Sodium............................................$  5.00 per sample

Saturated Media pH and Electrical Conductivity only.............................$ 15.00 per sample

Optional Additional Greenhouse Media pH & EC only

Percent Organic Matter (determined by loss on ignition).............$  6.00 per sample

Recommendations are given to commercial greenhouses and growers by an Extension Educator as needed.

Plant Tissue Testing for Nutrient Analysis - This service is temporarily unavailable.

Note: Plant nutrient tests offered by the UMass Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory provide nutrient analysis only.  They do not diagnose problems caused by insects, disease or other environmental factors. For disease or insect diagnosis, please visit the UMass Plant Diagnostics Laboratory.

Plant Tissue Nutrient Test (with Nitrogen) .............................................................$ 45.00 per sample

A determination of the total tissue P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, and B. Analysis by ICP spectrometry of acid wet digestion using Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid, and Hydrogen Peroxide in a block digester. Also included is total Nitrogen by catalytic combustion.

Plant Tissue Nutrient Test (without Nitrogen) .......................................................$ 30.00 per sample

A determination of the total tissue P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, and B. Analysis by ICP spectrometry of acid wet digestion using Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid, and Hydrogen Peroxide in a block digester.


Research orders are processed as time permits and may have a minimum sample number. Orders with a large number of samples should be submitted during our slow period (December through February). Please contact the lab before submitting research samples for analysis. Other tests may be available upon consultation and prior arrangement with the soil testing lab.

Materials processed by researcher

Routine Soil Test

Soils dried and processed with #10 (2mm) sieve ..........................................$18.00 per sample


Soils dried and processed with #10 (2mm) sieve ..........................................$10.00 per sample

Plant Tissue Analysis including Total Nitrogen (This service is temporarily unavailable.)

Plant tissue dried in 80oC oven, and milled with 40-mesh screen.................$40.00 per sample

Plant Tissue Analysis without Total Nitrogen (This service is temporarily unavailable.)

Plant tissue dried in 80oC oven, and milled with 40-mesh screen.................$27.00 per sample


NOTE: The UMass Soil and Plant Nutrient Testing Lab does not test for herbicides, pesticides, or contaminants other than heavy metals listed above.


NOTICE: As of January 1, 2017, the UMass Soil and Plant Nutrient Testing Laboratory no longer accepts orders for Comprehensive Compost Analysis or Basic Compost Analysis. Due to budgetary constraints and facilities limitations this program has been discontinued. All other services will continue to be available. It is only the compost program that has been discontinued.

Compost Analysis is currently being offered at the Agricultural Analytical Services Lab at PennState and the Analytical Lab and Maine Soil Testing Service.  Compost samples for analysis should be sent directly to these or other laboratories in the future.

***Sample test results are confidential ***