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Extension on the Cape & Islands

About Cape Cod and the Islands:

The Cape Cod region of Massachusetts is composed of Barnstable County, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. The largest town in the region is Barnstable.

Barnstable County's longest-serving employee retired

January 3, 2016

Barnstable County’s longest serving employee retired January 1 after nearly four decades on the job.

William “Bill” Clark, 65, executive director of the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension, has spent virtually his entire career — 38 years — working with the education and research arm of the county. He  passed the torch of leadership to his deputy director, Michael Maguire. (12/24/15 Cape Cod Times)

Lone star tick the new pest in town, UMass microbiologist discovers

May 18, 2015

BARNSTABLE — Imagine a tick that travels three times as fast as the black-legged deer tick, has excellent vision and hatches in stinging swarms that can put fire ants to shame. The arthropod in question is the lone star tick, which scientists say has meandered northward and established a foothold at Sandy Neck Beach Park in Barnstable and Cuttyhunk in the Elizabeth Islands chain.

UMass Cranberry Station Offers Support to Local Growers

November 24, 2014

Carolyn DeMoranville has been leading a team of scientists and researchers at the UMass Cranberry Station for the last 30 years. The goal here is to improve on anything and everything related to cranberry production.

“Anything that would be involved in producing the crop, from nutrient management to water management to pest management,” DeMoranville said.
