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Bee Workshops

UMass Extension offers workshops on honey bee health, biology and management.

Check out our upcoming workshops:


Honey Bees Under the Microscope

Dissect a bee to learn about honey bee internal and external anatomy

  • Topics covered: how to use a dissecting microscope, how to dissect a bee, how to identify internal and external bee anatomy

  • Each participant takes home a dissecting kit (includes forceps, pins, petri dish, etc. - everything but the microscope!)

  • 10am-4pm

  • $50 fee covers dissecting kits, handouts, and light refreshments. Bring your own lunch.

Upcoming Dates:

  • None yet. Check back soon!


microscope workshop april 6 2019

Honey Bees Under the Microscope 2.0

Learn Advanced Microscope Skills

  • For beekeepers who have already taken "Honey Bees Under the Microscope" (above), or others with microscope experience. If you don't have microscope experience, we highly recommend starting with the basic "Honey Bees Under the Microscope" (above)!

  • Topics covered: dissecting queens/drones, plating tissues, (Nosema/Tracheal Mite diagnosis if time allows)

  • 9am-12pm

  • $40 fee covers materials, location and light refreshments

Upcoming Dates:

  • None yet. Check back soon!


Fight the Mite!

This full-day, interactive workshop, co-hosted by the MDAR Apiary Team and UMass Extension, will leave you prepared to control Varroa in your hives. It will include:

  • HANDS-ON DEMOS showing how to apply miticides and use non-chemical tools. 
  • Demos of proper SAFETY procedures.
  • Practice creating an INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) plan.
  • Participants will be challenged with a HANDS-ON CASE STUDY, in which they will have to make mite management decisions and apply mock chemicals.


  • 9am-5pm (full day, bring lunch!)
  • Each participant will bring home an alcohol wash kit, safety goggles, a folder with mite management materials and a bee-themed t-shirt
  • $50 cost covers equipment, print materials, t-shirts and light refreshments

Upcoming Dates:

  • None yet. Check back soon!


Photos from past workshops!

Honey Bees Under the Microscope, April 6, 2019

Photos from microscope workshop


Fight the Mite, May 4, 2019

Fight the mite photo 2 Fight the mite photo 3 Fight the mite photo 4