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Izze Clark

Project Title: 
Re-Establishment of Native Fruit Species in New England in Support of Climate Smart Agriculture: Assessing the Consumer Education Barriers for Market Entry
Program Year: 
Horticulture Science

My name is Izze Clark. I am a rising Senior Horticultural science maior here at UMass. With a minor in theater and a research certificate within the iCons program, I am always surrounded by a balance of art and science. Originally from New Haven, CT, I have been surrounded by nature for my entire life and have always had an appreciation for the outdoors. Growing up in a city, I was always fascinated with finding the hidden greenery in a concrete landscape. My curiosity has always been fueled by the environment which inspires the artistic outlets of my life. With a new passion for research, the REEU internship has fostered a drive for extension work and the many avenues it holds. I am proud to be a first-generation college student and can not wait to see what the future holds.