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Matthew Bley

Matthew Bley
Project Title: 
Pest control using insect-eating nematodes as the model system
Program Year: 
Plant and Soil Sciences and Horticultural Sciences

I am a senior majoring in both Plant and Soil Sciences and Horticultural Sciences at UMass Amherst. I was born in a suburban town of New Jersey and raised pretty removed from science in favor of engineering and mathematics. Throughout college, I have slowly fallen in love with science thanks to tremendous faculty and advisors. What started out as a curiosity into the way our food is made has really blossomed into something special. I still have plenty to learn and would really like to learn more about the culture of agriculture and how it has enticed/alienated people of color and queer people. Outside of an anthropological lens, I would love to learn more about sustainable food systems and agroforestry! I hope to continue to work closely with agriculture and our food systems, researching pest management practices and how to better sustain our farms and subsequently ourselves and create a community to amplify and consolidate underheard voices.

Learn more about the Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates (REEU) Program

Bley's REEU Final Poster
Bley's REEU Symposium Presentation