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Asia Jimenez

Summer Scholar 2020 - Asia Jimenez
Project Title: 
Culture and Characterization of Epitheliocystis Agents in the aquaculture fish species
Program Year: 
Wilmore Webley

The goal of the project is to characterize the Epitheliocystis in aquaculture fish species believed to be caused by pathogenic intracellular bacteria. The major presence of Epitheliocystis in aquaculture fish has yet to be identified and not much research has been conducted on the identification of the organism as well as disease transmission within the aquaculture production industry. The purpose of the project is to understand disease transmission, mechanism of the disease process, and host range to prevent this disease in aquaculture by utilizing fish models of infection and identification of etiologic agents of Epitheliocystis in the specific fish species picked for analysis.


The purpose of my online research over the summer was to help establish and find past protocols and research that would help create an approved animal usage protocol for the Culture and Characterization of Epitheliocystis Agents in the aquaculture fish species being studied, as well as any possible immunological and toxicology information that could help with background research.


The internship helped me to understand and learn to look for background research to accomplish project goals and the needed understanding of research. One of the many struggles was finding valuable research articles, past protocols, and valid sources that would contribute to the project's overall goal. Having a focus on finding protocols that would help to establish an NIH approved animal usage protocol for the lab narrowed possible findings even when certain information I found may not have been overall useful for the project itself but to my overall understanding of the project instead. The expansion of my knowledge and experience in research will advance my skills in research and lead to academic development in my independent studies throughout college and into the career field.


Research Summary

Fish Toxicology/Immunology and Laboratory usage guidelines 

The purpose of my online research over the summer was to help establish and find past protocols and research that would help create an approved animal usage protocol for the Culture and Characterization of Epitheliocystis Agents in the aquaculture fish species being studied on. As well as any possible immunological and toxicology information that could help with background research.  

I looked mostly into laboratory guidelines and protocols as well as general care for fathead minnows, RTG-2 Rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon. Generally, what I found for fathead minnow care was a tank 57 liters (15 gallon) 31x 61 x32 cm deep, with a 20cm water depth and acid 10% nitric and acetone rinsed – used disinfected with hypochlorite is ideal. The tank itself should have a culture water flow preferably from a lake/ stream water pH 7.4-8.2 with an alkalinity of 42mg/l total and hardness of 45mg/l or dechlorinated tap with a hardness of 40-300 mg/ 1 CaCO3 alkalinity less hardness for 1-2 days before adding fish (1). Preferred temperature of care is 15.6 °C and should not fall below 20 °C or above 28 °C maintained + or – 1 °C.  

What I found for salmon and trout was less information but in general preferred tank pH is between 6.5 -9.0 with a flow rate of 0.7 x 10^-3 sec saturation depending on the amount of fish per tank with 8-10 hours of light for the fish (2). Other general items I found which need to be monitored daily are water chemistry (Ph, Conductivity), water temperature, light cycle, veterinary care provided as needed, records of life support, maintenance, feeding, census, and minimal pain distress ( appropriate use of anesthetic, analgesic, tranquilizers) (3,4,5,6,7). In one of the zebrafish protocols I discovered carcasses disposal should follow a similar procedure for disposal of the fish maintained in the lab disposed in Medical pathological waste following NIH policy (8, 9).  

The immunological research discovered focused on the specified fish used for the experiment/lab as models in aquatic ecotoxicology which evaluate acute and chronic toxicity of chemical products in vertebrate animals. 


  1. Denny, J. 1987. Guidelines for the culture of fathead minnows pimephales promelas for use in toxicity tests
  2. Johnson, B. 2018. Study protocol for an aquaculture investigational new animal drug (inad) exemption for the use of 17-alpha methyltestosterone in rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon. 
  3. Jul 28, 2020.Vertebrate animals’ section. Available from 
  4. 2015.PHS policy on humane care and use of laboratory animals. 
  5. Master animal use protocol form for research. Available from /iacuc/amacher.pdf  
  6. Louis J. DeTolla, S. Srinivas, Brent R. Whitaker, Christopher Andrews, Bruce Hecker, Andrew S. Kane, Renate Reimschuessel. Jan 1, 1995. Guidelines for the care and use of fish in research.37(4) 
  7. J. G. Nickum, Chair, H. L. Bart, Jr, P. R. Bowser, I. E. Greer, C. Hubbs, J. A. Jenkins, J. R. MacMillan, J. W. Rachlin, J. D. Rose, P. W. Sorensen, and J. R. Tomasso. 2004. Guidelines for the use of fishes in research. 
  8. Jun 24, 2020. Guidelines for investigator-managed, small-scale zebrafish satellite facilities 
  9. Feb 26, 2020. Guidelines for use of zebrafish in the NIH intramural research program