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Advancing Understanding and Process-based Prediction of Northeastern Forest Regeneration

Principal Investigator/Project Leader: 
Co-Principal Investigator/Co-Project Leader: 
Department of Project: 
Environmental Conservation Dept.
Project Description: 

The project combines intensive field sampling with an advanced statistical model to compile an extensive, statewide regeneration data set and improve understanding of the factors leading to successful regeneration of desired species and communities following management intervention. Our approach allows for novel understanding of the complete range of factors impacting forest regeneration in Massachusetts and tests alternative management approaches to sustain valuable forest resources under global change. Synthesized results on the challenges of forest regeneration under global change and adaptive management recommendations to overcome these challenges will be shared with forest managers and stakeholders across Massachusetts to inform effective and sustainable, adaptive forest management under global change. In doing so, the project will contribute to the long-term conservation of Massachusetts forest resources and the valuable ecosystem services they provide.