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Cranberry IPM Message

We are having reports of continued troubles with scale on the bogs.  Reports of several more sites with burnt areas have turned up.  It seems we may have a new scale species that appears to have released crawlers mid-July resulting in scale on berries and leaves.

Many bee hives are being picked up this week.  Weevil numbers have dropped but if you are over threshold, Actara can also be used against the summer generation.  Actara is Restricted Use and Zone II restricted.  It is also highly toxic to bees.  It cannot be used on flow...

Most growers are in the midst of fruitworm and fungicide spraying. The week is looking to be either windy and then pretty hot, so grab whatever spray window you can get.

Most growers have put out their first fruitworm sprays by now or will be doing so this weekend.  Altacor is the best choice for early fruitworm sprays and Delegate or Diazinon are the preferred compounds for later fruitworm sprays....

Do not spray for weevil or scale on most varieties at this time.  You might be able to spray Howes if they are not yet in bloom.

We have had reports of various spanworms being picked up in nets over the past week. We have been catching a few Spag moths here and there.

We are hosting a bogside workshop on Wednesday June 20 from 8-10 AM.  We will be discussing pest management issues of the day as well as how to collect proper vine samples for diagnosis.  We...

Pheromone traps should be out now. Place them on the upwind side of the bog so that the scent flows onto your bogs with the prevailing winds. Spag larvae have been picked up. If you are finding them in your sweep nets, the threshold is 1-2 on average. You should treat as soon as you can. The weather has not been good for spraying, so when you have a good window, you should take it.

Weevil continued to be swept in high numbers on some bogs over the past week.  Avaunt is effective (weevils die in the lab) but environmental conditions can play a role in efficacy in the field. Spraying just before or during cloudy, rainy, or moist condition may lead to decreased efficacy. The pesticide works best when applied prior to sunny warm dry conditions.
