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Cranberry IPM Message

Your first round of fertilizers should be out by now.  Many varieties are in hook stage.  Bumble bees are coming into the Station, probably next Thursday.  If you are using pheromone traps, check them weekly and record your numbers.  Change them as they become messy and replace...

Sweeps indicate that all the major players are out there.  Weevil is over threshold in some locations.  We put a spray of Exirel on State Bog Friday morning to manage weevil.  We will let you know how it fares.  We have picked up or heard reports of larvae from gypsy moth, green spanworm, Spag and...

Very small gypsy moth larvae have been picked up over the past week. Since the weather has been cool and wet, numbers are off a bit of where we typically are.  Whenever there is a sunny calm day, be sure to make some sweeps.


Kerb Use Approved for Dodder Control as Emergency Exemption for 2019 in MA

We have finally gotten a break in the weather this week. Cool temperatures on a few nights are helping some color to develop. Looks like the weather may get hot again next week, so continue to be vigilant on monitoring for soil moisture.

If you are still applying pesticides (e.g., 2nd application of Ridomil or Aliette for Phytophthora), be sure to observe all needed PHIs.  Ridomil products and Callisto have a 45-day PHI; Aliette has a 3-day PHI.  QuinStar and Poast are 60 days, Stinger is 50 days. Select and Intensity products are 30 days.

The weather has been and will continue to be very hot. Monitor as needed to make sure the vines and fruit are not lacking for water.

We hate to sound like a broken record, but scale is continuing to be reported, seen and causing damage.  The Entomology Lab is working hard to figure out who and what is going on.  We do appreciate hearing from you and knowing what is going on with the bogs regarding...
