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Cranberry IPM Message

Chart Book updates are going in the mail today April 10 by both email and snail mail.  If you need a new Chart Book, contact Krystal at

Note from MDAR: All pesticide license exams have been cancelled for the foreseeable future due to the limits on social gatherings.

Cranberry fruitworm larvae are full-sized now and berry inspection typically ceases by August 15.  Sparganothis fruitworm larvae are reported at about half size.  It is really too late to be spraying for any insects at this point.  The only possibility could be flea beetle and you...

For Ocean Spray growers, no Sevin sprays can be made after July 31.  Some growers have been picking up flea beetle.  You should really have high numbers to justify a spray for this pest.

Even with the incredibly hot weather we are and will be experiencing, there is little value to applying additional fungicides at this point in most situations.  You will do more to conserve and preserve fruit integrity by maintaining good soil moisture,...

Fungicide programs should be completed by now and sprays for weevil management should be over too.

Bloom really seems to be hanging on quite a bit.  On July 16, our Stevens were on average about 10% IN bloom on one section and about 5% IN bloom on another.  Ben Lears were under 5% in bloom, while Mullica Queens were about 15% IN bloom and the...

Cranberry fruitworm sprays (Altacor) should be going on. Current recommendations are to spray at 50% out-of-bloom for all varieties except Howes.

Many growers have put out their second fungicide; some are heading into their third.  Green spanworm is flying....

We had a very high blackheaded fireworm trap count this week (380 moths in a week; 82 moths 2 nights ago in one night).  If you did not do a spring spray for BHF, you should keep an eye out.
