Greater Boston Region — Local Happenings
Eastern Region – Malden Office:
UMass Extension
Nutrition Education Program
Eastern Region
14 Summer Street, 3rd Floor
Malden, MA 02148
Tracie Gillespie, MPH
Program Supervisor
Working with our collaborators, we will be providing nutrition education workshops to adults at several sites across the Boston area. We are also providing nutrition education workshops in connection with our school partners throughout the school year. Working with teachers in each school, we will be providing 4-6 week series on nutrition in the classroom.
Comments from our Collaborators...
"You can hear students talking about Go and Whoa foods throughout the school day. They even talked about it in our Dramatic Play Area talking about the foods in the kitchen." -grade K teacher
"Students use the language taught when eating snack and lunch at school. These lesson are great vocabulary for my ELL students. They love it!" -grade K teacher
"Our educator was an amazing, energetic teacher! Her energy was great! Students really learned a lot from this program" -grade 3 teacher
"It was extremely engaging, fun and informative. The students really looked forward to it." -grade 3 teacher
"Students were passionate about sharing prior knowledge of nutrition." -grade 4 teacher
"The educator was very personable with students- they loved her! Her enthusiasm was contagious." - grade 4 teacher
"Excellent, Informative, Important Program! Relevance to real life science/nutrition. It was well-planned and well-presented." -grade 5 teacher
"I hope this program continues. We are trying to instill healthy habits in our students- this program enhances our work!" -grade 5 teacher
"The curriculum is 100% attainable and relevant to my middle schoolers. Thank you!" -grade 6 teacher
Name one at least one thing you think your students learned from this program.
"Whoa! Go! foods. They talk about it all the time..." -grade K teacher
"I think they truly learned why eating fruits is healthy. (fights germs, vitamin C)" -elementary teacher
"They learned what kinds of foods are in each food group and how each food group benefits one's body." -grade 1 teacher
"My students really enjoyed the lessons. They learned so much through the read alouds, the physical activities, and the handouts and treats. They loved learning about nutrition." -grade 2 teacher
"My students continue to reference "Go" foods and "Whoa" foods when they talk about what they eat." -grade 3 teacher
"I think they learned what the different groups (carbs, protein, etc) do for your body." -grade 6 teacher