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Cranberry IPM Message

Cranberry fruitworm egg-laying is likely on the decline in most areas; first and second sprays have already gone out on most bogs.  Reports on Spag flight indicate it is declining as well.  Treatments with compounds other than Confirm or Intrepid (e.g.

Just some reminders from the Ent lab on using Altacor since it is a good choice for first fruitworm sprays. It works by causing paralysis of the insect by sustained contraction of the muscles. It has low toxicity to beneficials, especially pollinators. Please note: It will not function as a rescue spray against large larvae. It is most effective against small larvae.

Second generation black-headed fireworm is active during bloom. The timing for BHF is 2 weeks after the ONSET of flight if using growth regulators like Confirm or Intrepid (and again 10 days later). For other insecticides, including Delegate and Avaunt, apply 10 days after peak flight, which is usually during bloom. 

Altacor is a new bee-safe insecticide for Sparganothis fruitworm, fireworm and cranberry fruitworm. Target EGGS as they are hatching and SMALL larvae, not larger larvae. Short rinse times (<6 min) are necessary for good coverage. It is expensive ($50/acre), but is longer lasting than some other compounds. 2 apps at 4.5 oz are allowed. Restricted use after July 15 by some handlers.

First fungicides are going out now (or have been applied for advanced bogs).

Weevil are out and laying eggs in flower pods. If you need to treat for any insects, be careful as the bees are out.

Blackheaded fireworm larve and adults have been spotted. Spag moths are flying, so if you're using non-conventional insecticides, you have missed your window.

Pheromone traps should be out on all bogs at this time.  We have traps for blackheaded fireworm, cranberry girdler and Sparganothis.  Traps are used to TIME sprays to control these insects; they are not mass removal traps.  Lures should be replaced about every 3 weeks (keep extras in the fridge or freezer).  Check traps at least weekly; more often if counts are high.  Be sure to record your...

Between the wet spring and frost nights from 2 years ago and the same pattern in 2012, many Phythophthora samples have been coming into the Pathology lab for diagnosis.  First applications for root rot control can go out now.  We are at the tail-end of the first application period.  Make sure you attend to any drainage problems FIRST before starting a fungicide program.  Contact Frank at Ext...

Insects are out there so you should be sweeping.  Reports are that folks are picking up a few of everything, but in most cases, numbers are not necessarily exceeding threshold.  Be sure to sweep your own bogs to make your decisions rather than relying on what other growers are reporting.  Insects are big enough to see at this point and if there are enough of them, you should consider treating...

With the many frosts and recent rains, many growers have not swept bogs nor have they treated. As soon as an opening appears, you should sweep your bog. 
