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Cranberry IPM Message

Winter moth are now ACTIVE on the bog!

Winter moth larvae are NOT on the bogs YET!!

Since the first few months of the year have been warmer than usual, growers should be preparing for preemergence herbicide applications earlier this season.  Typically herbicides are applied late March through early April.  Based on the movement of many other plant species, I would recommend that preemergence applications go out before the end of March and preferably before that, if possible...

People are still finding unhatched viable fruitworm eggs in numbers over threshold.  But spray options continue to be very limited for most growers.  No reports of bad flea beetle or Spag according to the Ent lab.

We still recommend scouting for viable unhatched cranberry fruitworm eggs to determine if extra sprays are needed.  We understand that this is a time-consuming process but it is the best IPM tool we have for cranberry fruitworm management at this point in the season.  If you still have a Delegate spray available and a Spag issue, now is the time to apply for control.  The Ent lab reports high...

People have been calling in to the Ent lab to asked what they can spray for cranberry fruitworm and/or Spag if they can’t use Delegate, Diazinon, Intrepid or Sevin?  This is happening for Ocean Spray growers particularly.  Lorsban use is not permitted after June 15, Intrepid cannot be used after July 15, and Sevin cannot be used after 8/1.  Only 3 sprays of Delegate are permitted and many...

The biggest issue now has been the several days of heat and the stress that it is placing on the vines (including the possibility of scald mentioned within the past few days).  Make sure you keep the vines well watered during periods like this until the heat breaks.  Some vines have been showing evidence of vein whitening (see photo).  Evital applications were made in the fall and likely, the...

Many first fruitworm sprays have gone out already and some growers may be applying their second spray soon.  The second treatment goes out about 10 days after the first application, if you are using the standard fruitworm practice.  As fruits set, begin inspecting 50 randomly picked berries per acre, with a minimum of 200 berries per piece.  Check the guidelines on p.
