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News from the Media

  • Exploring Organic Mulches

    April 20, 2021

    Information provided by UMass Amherst Extension about dyes used in mulch is cited in a column about organic landscaping mulch. 

  • My Turn: ‘Preserve This Incredible Resource And Piece Of History In Sunderland’

    April 20, 2021

    Brian Kane, Massachusetts Arborists Association professor in the Department of Environmental Conservation, writes about the need to preserve a historic tree in Sunderland – the largest tree in Massachusetts — that’s at risk from a North Main Street reconstruction project. (Greenfield Recorder, 4/18/21) 

  • Plant-Based "Chicken" On Verge Of A Major Breakthrough

    April 13, 2021

    David Julian McClements, distinguished professor of food science, comments in an article about the introduction of a new plant-based chicken.  McClements says, when correctly paired, vegetable proteins can provide a balance of essential amino acids. (The Boston Globe, 4/13/21)

  • What To Know About Soil Testing

    April 8, 2021

    An article on soil testing includes information from the UMass Amherst Soil & Plant Nutrient Testing Laboratory about how to collect a sample. (Family Handyman, 4/7/21)

  • Tree Company Credits Success to Stockbridge School of Agriculture

    April 1, 2021

    Stockbridge School alumnus Neal Reilly has built a successful tree and landscaping company in Plainville and credits his study of arboriculture at the Stockbridge School of Agriculture at UMass Amherst. (Tree Care Industry Magazine, 4/1/21)

  • A Taste For Spicy Food Can Be Learned, UMass Food Scientist Discovers

    March 29, 2021

    Research by Alissa Nolden, food science, is noted in an article about how people develop a tolerance for spicy foods. (The New York Times, The Boston Globe, 3/27/21)  


  • UMass Danylchuk Joins White Shark Research

    March 29, 2021

    UMass Amherst fisheries biologist Andy Danylchuk, environmental conservation, and his Ph.D. student Bryan Legare joined other shark research groups and government agencies from the northeastern United States and Canada in the New England White Shark Research Consortium (NEWSRC). This is the first-ever collaboration to jointly study the white shark throughout its entire northeast range. (Umass News Office 12/21/20)

  • An App To Help Growers Thin Fruit

    March 18, 2021

    Dan Cooley, plant pathology, Jon Clements, Extension educator in the Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, and Duane Greene, pomology, are using a $1.2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and National Science Foundation to create a camera-based app that will let growers quickly and accurately measure fruit and make decisions on thinning. (Good Fruit Grower, 3/17/21)

  • Stink Bug or Seed Bug? Simisky Describes Differences

    March 15, 2021

    Tawny Simisky, UMass extension, is quoted in a column discussing the differences between stink bugs and western conifer seed bugs. (Ipswich Chronicle & Transcript, 3/13/21)

  • Gene Tool (CRISPR) to Boost Corn Yield

    March 1, 2021

    Madelaine Bartlett, biology, who, along with researchers at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, are using CRISPR gene editing technology to try to increase the number of kernels on an ear of corn. (TBR News Media [New York], 2/27/21)

  • When There’s No Heat: ‘You Need Wood, You Get Wood’

    February 22, 2021

    Rick Harper, environmental conservation, comments on community wood banks, that, like food banks, help people in need. Climate change is shaping their role. (NY Times 2/19/21)

  • Earth Matters: Stunning Perspectives now Democratized by Drones

    February 9, 2021

    Christine Hatch, geosciences, writes about the thrill and discovery she experiences viewing the earth from above, whether from an airplane or from drone imagery. (Daily Hampshire Gazette, 2/8/21)


  • Is Lyme Disease on the Rise?

    February 8, 2021

    An article about the Lyme disease outlook for 2021 cites an increase in ticks sent in for testing reported in early 2020 by the UMass Amherst Tick Testing Lab. (Today, 2/5/21)

  • UMass Extension NEP Success Posted in USDA News

    February 4, 2021

    The success story of UMass Extension’s SNAP-Ed coalition is featured in a national publication. A four-year old community garden in Plymouth shares ways in which they reinvented their program to meet local nutritional needs by sharing fresh food during a pandemic. (USDA Snap-Ed Connection, 1/28/21)

  • Shenoy Named Founding Chair of ACM Special Interest Group on Energy

    February 1, 2021

    Prashant Shenoy, Distinguished Professor of Information and Computer Sciences, has been named the founding chair of the new Special Interest Group on Energy of the Association for Computing Machinery. (HPC Wire, 1/29/21; News Office 1/27/21)

  • Emerald Ash Borer Life Cycle and Biological Control, Simisky Comments

    January 26, 2021

    UMass Extension entomology specialist Tawny Simisky comments on the life cycle of the invasive emerald ash borer and the use of biological control to fight this destructive insect in recent interview.  (WBUR, 1/28/21; NEPR,1/26/21)


  • UMass Recruiting Breastfeeding Mothers Who have Tested Positive for Covid-19

    January 19, 2021

    UMass Amherst scientists led by Kathleen Arcaro, veterinary and animal sciences, are recruiting breastfeeding mothers who have tested positive for COVID-19 for their research looking at COVID antibodies in colostrum, or early breastmilk. (Vox,, 2/3/21; Daily Hampshire Gazette 1/21/21; MassLive, 1/17/21; News Office release)

  • UMass Amherst Agricultural Sciences in Top Five Global Rankings

    January 6, 2021

    UMass-Amherst ranked No. 4 in the world for Agricultural Sciences and No. 1 in the U.S.  (U.S. and World News Report 12/6/20)

  • Cranberries, Massachusetts Largest Food Crop: Video Features UMass Cranberry Director

    January 5, 2021

    In a video segment about the cranberry industry in Massachusetts, Hilary Sandler director of the UMass Cranberry Station, shows how the station conducts research on fertilizers, pest management, weed control and other areas that help growers. (WCVB [Boston], 1/4/21; News Office assistance)

  • W.D. Cowls Forest Protected in N. Amherst, UMass Professor Jackson Comments

    January 4, 2021

    Scott Jackson, environmental conservation, is quoted in an article about the purchase for purposes of protection of over 2,000 acres of W.D. Cowls forestland between North Amherst and the Quabbin Reservoir.  (Gazette, 1/1/21)
