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Topics in Landscape IPM

Event date/time: 
Thursday, June 22, 2017 - 8:30am to 12:30pm


The Right Grasses: A Fundamental Tenet of Turf IPM - Mary Owen, UMass Extension Turf Specialist - Fundamental to the integrated management of turf pests is the careful selection and establishment of the right turfgrasses for the site and intended use. To be discussed: how to find, select and use turfgrass species and cultivars that exhibit particular insect and disease tolerances, resistance to weed encroachment, and tolerance to environmental and use stresses

Characteristics of Common Landscape Herbicides - Randy Prostak, UMass Extension Weed Specialist - A strong understanding of a product’s active ingredient is necessary to get the most out of any herbicide application. Characteristics and use patterns of commonly used landscape herbicides will be discussed.


Pre-registration required as space is limited; the cost is $90/$81 per person for three or more registrations from the same company (10% discount). Online registrations include an additional service fee.

To register by mail with check or PO: To register online with a credit card:

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Two pesticide contact hours for categories 36 and 37, and 4 for Applicator's License available.  Contact hours are valid for equivalent categories in all New England states.  Association credits: 1 MCA, 1 MCH, and 1 MCLP available.

Contact's name: 
Ellen Weeks
Contact's email: 
Contact's phone on day of event: 
11 Beaver Street Milford MA