Management Guides
A comprehensive guide for commercial production of greenhouse ornamentals with information on current pest management and growth regulators. Recommendations include IPM and biological control information for greenhouse crops.
New England Small Fruit Management Guide
The guide is intended for commercial farmers to provide information on pest management practices for small fruit crops in New England.
New England Tree Fruit Management Guide
The Guide is a joint project between the New England Extension faculty and professionals and Cornell University to provide the best information available for the management of commercial tree fruit in the region.
New England Vegetable Management Guide
This is a comprehensive guide for commercial vegetable growers with information on current production and pest management techniques for vegetable crops. This manual is a collaborative effort of members of the Extension Vegetable Programs of the Universities of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts.
Nutrient Management Guide for New England Vegetable Production
This manual is intended to help the reader understand more about soils—some of the basics about what happens in the soil and how it impacts crops, and also to offer some insight on soil and nutrient management practices and how they affect soils, crop productivity and profit.
Cucurbit Disease Scouting & Management Guide
This handbook is to help growers identify the diseases they see in their curcurbit crops, use preventative practices as effectively as possible, and develop a more complete understanding of how to design a spray program to address all these different diseases.
Turf Management Updates
Management Updates are written by the turf specialists of the UMass Extension Turf Program. The messages cover local problems, are geared toward local conditions, and are posted frequently during the growing season.