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July 2023

Weather as Recorded at the UMass Cranberry Station:

East Wareham

Prepared by Peter Jeranyama

July 2023 was wet, average sunshine and above average temperature. The average temperature for July was 76.6 degrees; 5.13 degrees above the 30-year average. Maximum temperature of 92 degrees was recorded on the 29th and a minimum temperature of 55 degrees was recorded on the 31st.  Daytime high temperatures averaged 85.68 degrees, 6 degrees above the norm.  Evening temperatures averaged 67.5 degrees, 4.1 degrees above the norm. 

April 2023

Weather as Recorded at the UMass Cranberry Station:

East Wareham

Prepared by Peter Jeranyama

April 2023 was slightly warm with below average precipitation and above average sunshine.


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