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Cranberry IPM Message

Pheromone traps to monitor for Spag, BHF, and/or cranberry girdler, should be up.

Timing for Diazinon (or Sevin) treatment is here (or coming up) for Vaccinium scale. Check your bogs. There is a lot of variation among beds. All scale samples that were checked this week showed that egg production has started. For super hybrid samples, crawlers were emerging, and we advised sprays for this weekend and next week.

We have dissecting microscopes available in our Diagnostic Lab (Rm 121) and in our Entomology lab (Rm 106) that you can use to examine your sweep net contents or upright samples.  Just come on down, the labs are available 8:30-4:30. If one of us is around, we are glad to help or you can do the inspection yourself, whatever works best.

This has been a difficult spring for getting sprays out due to all the frost nights.

This past week proved to be a challenging time to sweep!  Despite fairly high winds and cold temperatures, cranberry weevils have been picked up.  Populations of weevil are expected to continue to grow as more weevils move out of the woods and off blueberry and onto cranberry.  Your insecticide choices for management are Avaunt, Actara and Fanfare.  Remember Fanfare has a 100-day or...

Sweeping this past week has yielded high numbers of cranberry weevil and green spanworm, sometimes in numbers over threshold. Various colors of (springtails) colembolas (red, yellow, and black) have also been picked up. BHF larvae are likely out there, but they are very hard to see.

With all the cool temperatures we have had this spring, most growers are planning to start sweeping next week (week of May 8).  Sweeping this week only resulted in a very few weevil and many collembola/springtails (not a cranberry pest, but very abundant on bogs in many colors) – see attached pic.  Coming next week, tiny blackheaded fireworm larvae of the most concern...

Leaf Nutrient Analysis. If you want to plan fertilizer decisions based on leaf tissue tests, it is time to start thinking about scheduling collection of tissue samples, The best time to take samples is between August 15 and September 15. Samples should be collected particularly if a deficiency is suspected.

Current conditions are prime for seeing yellow vine syndrome symptoms, which are typically expressed when vines are under stress, usually from heat or water imbalances.  There is not much to do at this point except to monitor soil moisture and irrigate regularly as needed.  See photo for example of leaf symptoms.

We recommend scouting for Putnam scale now.
