Regional Partners

Regional Partners
Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR)
The mission of the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) is to support, promote and enhance the long term viability of Massachusetts Agriculture with the aim of helping this state's agricultural businesses become as economically and environmentally sound as possible. By so doing it is hoped that our farmers will continue to support and maintain thousands of acres of valuable open space for the benefit of the state's economy and environment.
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
This website has a listing of the Massachusetts Field Office that serves your county along with contact information.
The Northeastern IPM Center promotes the development and adoption of integrated pest management (IPM), a sound, sensible approach to dealing with pests and pesticide problems. Working with partners in agricultural, urban, and rural settings, we identify—and address—regional priorities for research, education, and outreach throughout the Northeast. Competitive grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture fund our programs, and the Center is administered at Cornell University.
Other Northeast Extension Programs
- Cornell University Extension
- University of Connecticut Extension
- University of Maine Extension
- University of New Hampshire Extension
- University of Rhode Island Extension
- University of Vermont
Regional Commodity Groups
At UMass Extension, we collaborate with many regional commodity groups, who also provide excellent resources for growers and other professionals. These include: