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UMass 4-H Career Exploration Series (CES)

Event date/time: 
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 7:00pm
Event Type: 

UMass 4-H Career Exploration Series (CES)

CES is back for the 2024-2025 4-H Year. It is held on the second Wednesday of the month, from 7-8 PM, via Zoom. This program is designed to connect youth with professionals. This program is not recorded, it is held in such a way that it allows the youth participants access to interact with the professionals and ask the questions they want. The program itself is geared towards middle and high school age youth, but all are welcome!

Is there a career that you are interested in? Send Angelica an email expressing your interest, and she will try to find a professional in that field willing to participate. Email her at

The first presenter of the year will be Michaela Nix, with the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy, on Wednesday, October 9, 7-8 PM.

How many kids grow up saying they want to study marine biology?

How many fulfill that dream?

Growing up, many kids, like myself, love the ocean and the animals that call it home, but as time goes on they leave that dream in the past.

The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy (AWSC) is a nonprofit organization that supports scientific research, promotes public safety, and educates the community to inspire white shark conservation.

Do you love sharks? Do you love the ocean? Do you want to protect them and their environment?

Don't give up on your childhood dream! Learn about how dedication and passion can take you far!

Registration link:

Contact's name: 
Angelica Diaz-Heyman
Contact's email: 
This event will be recorded: 