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Bitmoji Classroom

May Space Bitmoji Screenshot
May 4, 2021

The Mass 4-H Bitmoji STEM Classroom has been created during the Global Pandemic as a way to stay connected to our 4-H Youth participants virtually. The classroom is updated every week to offer participants hands-on activities that they can do at home. The classroom also features links to educational videos, articles and interactive websites.

The classroom is self-paced with optional assignments each week. The classroom can be accessed at the participants convenience and all sessions remain up on the Google Classroom. If you miss a week or join at any time- you are able to interact with previous classrooms.

If you are interested in signing up to explore what our Bitmoji classroom has to offer, email Lauren DuBois, 4-H Educator at to receive an invite to join.

“Thanks so much for this!  Liam’s school was canceled today (from power outages from yesterday’s storm). He spent this morning in your class and really enjoyed it!” -4-H Parent commenting on the Mass 4-H Bitmoji STEM classroom.

  • May 2021: Space Exploration
  • February 2021: Citizen Science
  • December 2020: Kitchen Science
  • November 2020:  Plants & Engineering 
  • October 2020:  Exploring Mars

Let us know what other topics you would be interested in seeing.

Youth Development and 4-H