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Covid-19 Community Crafting

November 10, 2020

Online Community Craft Workshop Series


Session 1- November 3, 2020, 3-4 pm 4-H Youth Facilitator: La’Tasia Love Project: Painted Hearts 2 Different Ways Supplies needed: newspaper or table cloth, pencil, scissors, 2 small canvases, contact paper (aka kitchen shelf liner), 4 acrylic paint colors, cling wrap (aka plastic wrap), and an old credit (or any card).

Session 2- November 10, 2020, 3-4 pm 4-H Youth Facilitator: Audrey Amanfo Project: Cherry Blossom Art Supplies needed: recycled 2-liter soda bottle, newspaper or table cloth, paper plate, 1 medium canvas, 2 color paints, and a small paint brush.

Session 3- November 17, 2020, 3-4 pm 4-H Youth Facilitator: Jesanet Rivera Project: Stress Ball Made 2 Ways Supplies needed: funnel or top of recycled plastic bottle, 1 cup flour, balloons, and 1 cup rice.

Session 4- November 24, 2020, 3-4 pm 4-H Youth Facilitator: Imanni Hayes Project: Cloud Dough Supplies needed: ½ cup lotion, food coloring, 1 cup cornstarch, spoon and a mixing bowl.

To Register: email 4-H Educator, Lauren DuBois sends e-mail)?subject=Community%20Crafting&body=Sign%20me%20up!%0AName%3A%0AAge%3A%0ASessions%3A"> sends e-mail) (You will receive a zoom link via email for the workshop series on 11/2/2020 at noon)

Youth Development and 4-H