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Earth Day 4-H Club Challenge

Pledge Image courtesy of Cornell Cooperative Extension
October 1, 2021

Our University of Massachusetts 4-H Team have heard from many volunteers and families asking for new ideas for conducting virtual hands-on community service activities. We invite you to become engaged in this Earth Day Challenge that will combine environmental science and helping the planet.  Contact Tom Waskiewicz, Carrie Chickering-Sears or Kim Pond. 

Sample Form:

Club Name___________________________________________ #Youth _______  #Adults _______ 

  1. Take 3 Pledge:  Choose 3 behaviors/habits to change ___Youth   ___Adults  (Include examples) 
  2. Incorporate a land acknowledgement to your meeting  (include link) 
  3. Plant a Row for the Hungry ___#families ___#pounds donated   (Optional: Donation sites.) 
  4. Learn Basic Tree Id:  __Conservation Exhibit /Presentation ___#Trees planted 
  5. Bird ID: ___Habitat Project ____#Youth Bird Behavior Chart 
  6. Pollinator Power:  ___#families adding flowers to garden/landscape 
  7. Carbon Footprint & Andrill Project:  ___#Youth examined a project/hobby  ___Club Activity 
  8. Water:  ____ Located their local watershed   ___Made Edible Aquifer  ___Conservation Project 
  9. Recycling/Upcycling:  ___Youth created (Pictures of examples.)  Could be a cleanup project. 
  10. Citizen Science:  ---#youth participating in a citizen science project  (List )  


​​​​​​​ Word Version


 Video from OSU for those that couldn't make the kick off for the Earth Day 4-H Club Challenge on April 8th about Geocaching with your family or club.



Youth Development and 4-H