The Annual Massachusetts 4-H Food Drive helps many in need!
Thank you to all 4-H volunteers, members, and parents who participated in the 2012 Massachusetts 4-H Food Drive, our statewide community service project. The grand total for the annual drive this year is 43,528 pounds of food and $3,733 donated to 105 food pantries all across the Commonwealth. Some of the food was gleaned from local farms, bringing much appreciated fresh produce such as apples and potatoes to local food pantries and shelters.
This year, Norfolk was the top collecting region at 10,182 pounds! Worcester ran a close second at 9, 943 pounds. Franklin County really stepped up their game this year collecting 5,699 pounds much of which was brought in through gleaning with the effort being made by a few club members and volunteers. They really showed what a difference a few hard working individuals can make!
The three clubs that collected the most food per participating member were as follows:
- Hampden County’s, Steerage Rock Riders from Brimfield at 2210 pounds,
- Worcester County’s, Small Animal/Horse and Hound from Northborough collecting 4,526 pounds and
- Worcester County’s, Upton Hoofbeats with 1780 pounds with much of that total collected through gleaning.
Norfolk County's success can be attributed to many clubs and groups, especially to the Dover Clovers 4-H club that collected an impressive total of 1,452 pounds! Also, the Norfolk County 4-H Advisory Council was very inspiring in their efforts to help others again this year by bringing in 6, 848 pounds!
In Middlesex, both the Acton Craft and the Aviculture Clubs stood out, as did the Montgomery Mane-I-acs from Hampden, Tally-Ho and B-Town Bunnies based in Amherst, the Reed’s Bridge Riders in Ashfield, Lancaster 4-H and the aforementioned Upton Hoofbeats in Worcester County.
Another group that should be recognized for their efforts is the Wire Village School in Spencer, who although not a 4-H group, wanted to be involved with this project and successfully helped many in their community.
Many thanks to all who participated in this statewide community service project to improve the lives of hungry people all across Massachusetts.