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Explore UMass!

young people in front of mass campus center sign

Join 4-H members from across the state for the annual Explore UMass program.  All members age 12-16 (or entering grades 7-11 for the 2018-2019 school year) are invited to participate.  This year's theme is, "Animals and Apps" combining animal science and technology.  The conference features "A Night at the Farm", taking place at the UMass Hadley Farm, which will include tie dying and an ice cream social.  A "Shark Tank" style showcase will close the program on the final day.

The cost of the conference for 4-H members is only $100 and includes food, lodging in the UMass dorms and all program expenses.  This special low price is a result of funding from the Tractor Supply Paper Clover program and the Massachusetts 4-H Foundation. 

View "Explore UMass" event listing

For additional information contact Kim Pond at

Youth Development and 4-H