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Weather Summary December 2022

Weather as Recorded at the UMass Cranberry Station:

East Wareham

Prepared by Peter Jeranyama

December 2022 was wet with no snowfall, and slightly warmer than average.  The temperature averaged 35.1 degrees, 0.8 degrees per day above the 30-year average. Maximum temperature was 58 degrees on the 1st ; a minimum temperature of 10 degrees was recorded on the 25th and 26th.  Daytime high temperatures averaged 44.6 degrees, 1.9 degrees above the norm.  Evening temperatures averaged 26.7 degrees, 0.5 degrees above the norm.

April 2022

Weather as Recorded at the UMass Cranberry Station:

East Wareham

Prepared by Peter Jeranyama

April 2022 was slightly warm with below average precipitation and above average sunshine.


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