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Questions About Competing in Horse Related Topics

Here are some FAQ’s (frequently asked questions)  that come up regarding the selection process for the 4-H Horse Program Communications Team that represents Massachusetts 4-H at the National 4-H Horse Round-Up in Louisville, Kentucky each November.  Only senior members, ages 14-18 are eligible for this national event. 

What Visual Presentation and Public Speaking categories can a 4-H member enter to be considered for the MA Communications Team going to National Horse Round Up? 

4-H members in the following categories will be considered:  

  • Visual Presentation; any Horse category
  • Visual Presentation; Senior Horse Related Team category
  • Visual Presentation; any horse topic in the Veterinary Science category
  • Visual Presentation:  PowerPoint: Horse
  • Public Speaking; Horse Related Subject 

How many 4-H members will be selected for the MA Communications Team? 

A total of four will be selected: two members for the “Horse Related Team”, one member for the “Horse Related Subject in Public Speaking” and one member for the “Horse Related Individual Visual Presentation”. 

How are the members of the MA 4-H Horse Communications Team selected?  

They are selected at the State 4-H Visual Presentation Day, usually held in late March or early April.  This means that members first qualify in their local (county) Visual Presentation program.  At the state competition, the blue rosette winners in the Horse Related Team category and the blue rosette winner in the Horse Related Subject in Public Speaking category are selected for those team slots in those category competitions in the morning.  

All blue rosette winners in the individual horse categories qualify to participate in a run-off for the one remaining slot: Horse Related Individual Visual Presentation. The blue rosette winner in the PowerPoint horse category also qualifies.  In addition, if the blue rosette winner in the Veterinary Science category did his/her visual on a horse related topic he/she also qualifies to compete in the run-off.  This run-off takes place in the afternoon with a new set of judges. 

Can a member enter more than one horse related topic at Visual Presentation Day? 

No, they may only enter in one category.

How long can the Horse Related Team Presentation be at State Visual Presentation Day? 

The time is 10 to 15 minutes, which is the time period allowed at the National Horse Round Up for teams.  Individual presentations must be a maximum of 10 minutes. 

How many times could a 4-H member represent Massachusetts on the Communications Team at National Round Up? 

Up to three times.  Once as an “Individual” presenter, once as a “Horse Public Speaking Category” delegate and once as a member of a “Horse Related Team”. 

What happens if a 4-H member is selected to represent the MA Communications Team but was also selected to represent Massachusetts in another National Horse Round Up category (Horse Quiz Bowl, Hippology or Judging)? 

The member must decide which team he/she would like to participate on.  Once that decision is made, the runner up or alternate (if one exists) will be selected to fill the open slot. 

What happens once I am selected for one of the slots on the 4-H Horse Communications Team? 

You will be required to attend a mandatory orientation session to find out what is required of you going forward to be on the team.

What if I have additional questions? 

Contact the 4-H Equine Program Coordinator.  His/her contact information can be found in the staff directory on the 4-H website.