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Sample of a Completed Financial Log Spreadsheet

Date Complete Description of Income or Expense Income Expense Balance
7/1/13 Balance carried forward from previous year     $2,113.20
9/4/13 Stop and Shop - meeting refreshments   $28.99 $2084.21
9/27/13 Received 4-H Foundation Publicity Grant $50   $2134.21
10/15/13 Dues collected  (15 members @ $8) $120   $2254.21
11/3/13 National 4-H Supply - purchase 4-H curricula   $45 $2209.21
11/15/13 Michaels - craft supplies for meeting   $87.14 $2122.07
12/1/13 Proceeds from bake sale $279.30   $2401.37
12/15/13 Stop and Shop - holiday party refreshments   $47.14 $2354.23
1/12/14 Dues collected (15 members @ $8) $120   $2474.23
1/14/14 USPS - stamps   $11 $2463.23
2/2/14 Staples – supplies for Visual Presentations   $33.12 $2430.11
2/20/14 Prime Print – purchase 10 club tee shirts   $110 $2320.11
3/1/14 Science Museum – admission for 8 members, 2 leaders   $200 $2120.11
3/2/14 Prime Print – print Horse Show class lists   $51 $2069.11
3/5/14 USPS – stamps   $11 $2058.11
3/5/14 Hodges Badge – trophies and ribbons for horse show   $124.25 $1933.86
3/15/14 Target – supplies for club meeting activity   $14.25 $1919.61
3/25/14 Stop and Shop – food for horse show food booth   $121.17 $1798.44
3/28/14 Savanah Jones –  reimbursement for food and paper goods for horse show food booth that she purchased at BJ’s   $185.10 $1613.34
4/10/14 Susan Smith – pay horse show judge   $150 $1463.34
4/10/14 Donation to Adamsville Arena – used for horse show   $100 $1363.34
4/13/14 Horse show entry fees received  $515.00   $1878.34
4/14/14 Total proceeds from horse show food booth $555.31   $2433.65
4/17/14 Allan Taylor – reimbursement for copies made for horse show   $18.77 $2414.88
5/1/14 Staples – meeting supplies   $19.77 $2395.11
5/4/14 Hodges Badge – ribbons and trophies for club awards program   $78.88 $2316.23
5/20/14 Stop and Shop – food and paper goods for end of year party and awards program   $42.44 $2273.79
5/25/14 Pete’s Pizza – pizza for end of year party/awards program   $50.50 $2223.29
6/30/14   $1639.61
Total income for year
Total expenses for year
Ending balance

**Receipts should be kept for each expenditure.

* *Cash Count Protocol form should be kept for events where over $100 in cash is collected.

**Club should have a checking account and items paid for by check. Use of cash should be avoided where possible.

**Signatory on check should not write reimbursement checks to him/herself; he/she should use club checks to purchase items unless not possible in certain circumstances.