Mapping and Geospatial Education

- The Mapping Hour - Series of online classes for youth and adults
- A fun introduction Star Wars Style
Join the 4-H GIS GPS Community on Facebook
- Ready, Go, Create a StoryMap
- Worcester Fair Sample Story Map
- Explore UMass Story Map
- Going Places Exploring Spaces Curriculum (out of stock offices have copies.)
- 2013 National Youth Science Day Experiment Maps and Apps
- National 4-H GIS Leadership Team
Club Mapping Projects:
Plant a Smile 4-H Group Project with Newton Cemetery
As a follow up they were asked to help inventory the trees to become an Arboreteum.
CS Teens and MA Delegates on the Natonal GIS/GPS Team
For further information, please contact:
Kim Pond4-H Educator, 4-H Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) Program Manager
7 Midstate Drive, Suite 102 Auburn, MA 01501
Phone: 508-831-1223 Ext. 114