Science, Engineering & Technology (SET)

The 4-H Youth Development Program—with its direct connection to the research and resources of the Cooperative Extension System’s 106 land-grant universities and colleges— is positioned to strengthen US global competitiveness and leadership in science, engineering and technology.
UMass 4-H Annual Programs
Explore UMass
June 23-25 2024 This program is for both 4-H members and non-members, ages 12-16. Youth get to experience Campus Life during this 3-day, 2-overnight STEM program at UMass Amherst.
STEAM Festival
Kicks off in December and is a Fun Winter Virtual Fair with awards held on March 14, Pi Day
Examples of Past Programs
2021 SUMMER OF SCIENCE: "Space the 4-H Frontier"
2021 Earth Day Club Challenge
2020 COVID-19 SET Challenges
BITMOJI Classrooms on a Variety of topics- Read More
If you are interested in signing up to explore what our Bitmoji classroom has to offer, email Lauren DuBois, 4-H Educator at sends e-mail) to receive an invite to join.
“Thanks so much for this! Liam’s school was canceled today (from power outages from yesterday’s storm). He spent this morning in your class and really enjoyed it!” -4-H Parent commenting on the Mass 4-H Bitmoji STEM classroom.
- May 2021: Space Exploration
- February 2021: Citizen Science
- December 2020: Kitchen Science
- November 2020: Plants & Engineering
- October 2020: Exploring Mars
Robotics Days
Aerospace/Rocketry Days
Objectives of MA 4-H SET
- To increase “SET Abilities” and life skills through positive interactions with others.
- To teach scientific and the engineering process principles to young people.
- To offer options in SET programs available to 4-H members and leaders.
- To inform youth about educational opportunities in Science, Engineering and Technology at the University of Massachusetts and career opportunities.
Opportunities in MA 4-H SET
There are many ways to get involved with 4-H SET!
- Join a 4-H SET club – this could be in the area of robotics, veterinary science, rocketry, or gardening just to name a few. 4-H has curricula additional resources to support these project areas.
- Start a new 4-H group in a SET project area - its easy, your local 4-H Educator can assist you.
- Add some SET activities to your 4-H club meetings. There are many 4-H SET curricula available on a loan basis from your local 4-H office. These curricula have instructions that are easy to follow for FUN, hands-on activities!
- Participate in SET workshops in their county or region.
- Participate in the annual Summer of Science.
- 4-H teens and volunteers can join the MA 4-H SET Committee and work with 4-H staff to plan SET programs.
- Beome a Computer Science (CS) Teen Leader.
Fun places on the Internet
Take a virtual trip complete with campfire songs.
- ?Who Dunnit?
Learn to do fun forensic activities. - 2-D Animation program
- Scratch is available free of charge from MIT.
- 3-D Animation program
Alice is freely available as a public service by Carnegie Mellon University. - NASA Space Place
Check this site out to learn more about astronomy or to test your knowledge. - Observing with NASA
Kids Capture their Universe an astrophotography program that includes online telescope, imaging software and more. - WGBH Meet the Greens
WGBH has a new program to engage youth in environmental education. Check them out here.
Get involved in Citizens Science
- Urban Birds Project - Learn about urban birds while helping participate in Cornell’s ornithology project.
- Lost Lady Bugs - A team of Cornell scientists is asking children for their help. They need them anywhere and everywhere in the country to start looking for ladybugs: "Find 'em, photograph 'em and send 'em."
- 4-H Million Trees Project - 4-H youth across the nation can participate. To learn more or to get involved, go to this site. You can also check the map on the participant’s page to see virtual push pins for each club involved.
Hands-On Science Websites/Curriculum
- Junior Master Gardener Hands-on fun gardening activities...
- PBS Andrill Project "Climate Secrets" MA 4-H participated in some of the piloting and kit materials available.
MA 4-H "Nanotechnology" Science Experiment
The Massachusetts 4-H Program held a contest in April 2009 for UMass Amherst students to submit a proposal for a science experiment and the winner was Yitzi Calm and his work on Nanotechnology with the STEM Ed program. Resourcs and Facilitator guide on Oleic Acid was submitted and they presented the activities at Explore UMass.
Contact your local Educator for more information about borrowing:
- SET Curriculum
- GPS Unit’s
- Rocket Launcher
- Alternative Energy Kit
- Lego Mindstorm Robotics
- And More!
For further information, please contact:
Kim Pond4-H Educator, 4-H Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) Program Manager
7 Midstate Drive, Suite 102 Auburn, MA 01501
Phone: 508-831-1223 Ext. 114