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Cultural Practices
Colored Bark Mulch
Efficient Outdoor Watering
Fall Cleanup Hazards
Fall Maintenance Practices for Landscapes
Fertilizing Trees and Shrubs
Guidelines for Planting Trees and Shrubs
Helping Trees to Manage Stress
Indoor and Outdoor Residential Water Conservation Checklist
Inspection of Storm Damaged Trees
Irrigation Systems and Trees
Managing Soil Structure for Water Conservation in the Landscape
Measuring Soil Moisture
Pruning Blueberries
Pruning Needled Evergreens
Pruning Neglected Apple Trees
Sour Mulch
The Role of the Irrigation Audit in Water Conservation
Trickle Irrigation
Why Hydranagea macrophylla Don’t Flower
Yard Waste Management in Massachusetts
Apple Scab
Arborvitae Needle Blight
Armillaria Root and Butt Rot
Ash Rust
Ash Yellows
Beech Bark Disease
Beech Leaf Disease
Birch Anthracnose
Black Knot of Prunus
Black Spot of Rose
Botryosphaeria Canker
Brown Rot of Stone Fruits
Brown Spot Needle Blight
Cedar-Apple Rust
Cedar-Hawthorn Rust
Cedar-Quince Rust
Crown Gall
Cryptocline Needle Blight
Cytospora Canker
Delphinella Shoot Blight
Dieback of Eastern White Pine
Diplodia Blight of Conifers
Dogwood Anthracnose
Dutch Elm Disease
Elm Anthracnose
Elm Yellows
Exobasidium Gall of Rhododendron and Azalea
Fire Blight
Fungi in Mulches and Composts
Fusarium Wilt of Fragrant Sumac
Guignardia Leaf Blotch
Hawthorn Leaf Spot
Kabatina Blight
Lophodermium Needle Cast
Maple Anthracnose
Meria Needle Cast
Nectria Canker
Oak Anthracnose
Oak Leaf Blister
Ovulinia Petal Blight
Peach Leaf Curl
Phomopsis Blight
Phomopsis Canker
Phyllosticta Leaf Blotch
Phytophthora Bleeding Canker
Phytophthora Dieback
Phytophthora ramorum
Phytophthora Root and Crown Rot
Ploioderma Needle Cast
Powdery Mildew
Pseudocercospora leaf spot of Mountain laurel
Red Ring Rot of Eastern White Pine caused by Porodaedalea
Rhabdocline Needle Cast
Rhizosphaera Needle Cast
Root and Butt Rot caused by Bondarzewia berkeleyi (Berkeley's Polypore)
Root and Butt Rot caused by Ganoderma sessile
Root and Butt Rot caused by Grifola frondosa (Hen of the Woods)
Root and Butt Rot caused by Kretzschmaria deusta
Root and Butt Rot caused by Laetiporus cincinnatus & L. sulphureus (Chicken of the Woods)
Root and Butt Rot caused by Niveoporofomes spraguei
Root and Butt Rot caused by Phaeolus schweinitzii
Root and Trunk Rot caused by Ganoderma applanatum (Artist's Conk)
Septorioides Needle Blight
Sooty Mold
Spruce Needle Rust
Stigmina Needle Cast
Sycamore Anthracnose
Tar Spot of Maple
Target Canker of Hardwoods
Thyronectria Canker
Trunk Rot caused by Cerioporus squamosus (Dryad's Saddle)
Trunk Rot caused by Climacodon septentrionalis
Tubakia Leaf Blotch
Venturia Leaf and Shoot Blight of Aspen
Verticillium Wilt
Volutella Blight
Wetwood and Slime Flux
White Pine Blister Rust and Ribes Species
Earthworms in Massachusetts – History, Concerns, and Benefits
Invasive Jumping Worm Frequently Asked Questions
Jumping/Crazy/Snake Worms – Amynthas spp.
Environmental Stress
Effects of Cold on Landscape Plants
Freeze/Frost Occurrence Tables for Connecticut
Freeze/Frost Occurrence Tables for Massachusetts
Long-term Drought Effects on Trees and Shrubs
Perpetual Drought: The “New Normal” for Urban Trees?
Protecting Evergreens in the Winter Q&A
The Impact of Salts on Plants and How to Reduce Plant Injury from Winter Salt Applications
Insects and Mites
Andromeda Lacebug
Arborvitae Leafminer
Asian Longhorned Beetle
Asiatic Garden Beetle
Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.)
Balsam Twig Aphid
Beech Blight Aphid
Beneficial Nematodes
Bio-Rational Pesticides
Birch Leafminer
Black Turpentine Beetle
Black Vine Weevil
Box Tree Moth
Box Tree Moth Monitoring & Trapping
Boxelder Bug
Boxwood Leafminer
Boxwood Psyllid
Bronze Birch Borer
Chilli Thrips
Conifer Bark Beetle
Cooley Spruce Gall Adelgid
Cryptomeria Scale
Dogwood Borer
Eastern Spruce Gall Adelgid
Eastern Tent Caterpillar
Elm Bark Beetle
Elm Zigzag Sawfly
Elongate Hemlock Scale
Emerald Ash Borer
Fall Cankerworm
Fall Webworm
Forest Tent Caterpillar
Formosan Termite
Fundamentals of an Insect and Mite IPM Program
Giant European Hornet
Growing Degree Days for Management of Insect Pests in the Landscape
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Frequently Asked Questions
Honeylocust Plantbug
House Invaders
Information Regarding Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases
Insect Identification – Online Resources
Japanese Beetle
Japanese Maple Scale
Larch Casebearer
Lilac Borer (also known as Ash Borer)
Lily Leaf Beetle
Magnolia Scale
Mimosa Webworm
Periodical Cicada
Pine Needle Scale
Pollinators in the Landscape I: Importance of Pollinators and Causes of Decline
Pollinators in the Landscape II: Plants and Pollinators
Pollinators in the Landscape III: Creating and Maintaining Pollinator Landscapes
Protecting Pollinators from Pesticide Exposure While Managing Insect Pests in Landscapes
Rhododendron Borer
Scouting for Defoliating Pests of Trees and Shrubs
Scouting for Piercing-Sucking Pests of Trees and Shrubs
Southern Pine Beetle
Spider Mites in the Landscape and Nursery
Spongy Moth
Spotted Lanternfly
Spotted Lanternfly Management
Spring Cankerworm
Tree and Shrub Insecticide Active Ingredients: Alternatives to Neonicotinoids
Tree and Shrub Insecticide Active Ingredients: Risks to Pollinators and Other Non-Target Organisms
Tuliptree Scale
Viburnum Leaf Beetle
Winter Moth Identification & Management
Winter Moth in Massachusetts: History and Biological Control
Nursery Production
Alternative Nursery Containers
Comparing Production Systems for New England Nurseries
Overwintering Container-Grown Ornamentals
What is a Weather Station and Can it Benefit Ornamental Growers?
Pests of Medical Importance
In the Home: Something is Biting Me (or My Family or Pets)
Information Regarding Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases
Plant Materials
"Right Plant, Right Place" - A Plant Selection Guide for Managed Landscapes
Birch Culture
Blue Spruce: Common Health Issues in the Landscape
Boxwood: Common Health Issues in the Landscape
Choosing Sustainable Plants
Drought Tolerant Perennials
Drought Tolerant Plants for the Landscape
Growing Hydrangeas
Guidelines for Planting Within the 100 Foot Buffer
Juniper Culture
Landscaping to Conserve Water
North American Plants for New England Gardens
Ornamental Grasses for Water Conservation in the Landscape
Plant Identification - Online Resources
Rain Gardens: A Way to Improve Water Quality
Secondary Conservation List of Non-Native Species
Selection and Maintenance of Plant Materials for Coastal Landscapes
Trees and Shrubs for Coastal Environments and Freshwater Resource Buffer Zones
Trees, Shrubs, and Vines for Low Maintenance Landscapes
Wintercreeper Euonymus
A Guide to Weed Life Cycles (from the Turf Program)
Biology and Management of Crabgrass
Broadleaf Plantain in Lawns
Buckhorn Plantain in Lawns
Common Blue Violet in Lawns
Common Chickweed in Lawns
Dandelions in Lawns
Ground Ivy in Lawns
Poison Ivy
Speedwells in Lawns
White Clover in Lawns
Wildlife Management
White-Tailed Deer and the Landscape
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